AT CURSOR command (full-screen mode)

Provides a cursor controlled method for setting a statement breakpoint. It is most useful when assigned to a PF key.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramATTOGGLECURSOR;
Specifies that if the cursor-selected statement already has an associated statement breakpoint then the breakpoint is removed rather than replaced.

Usage notes

  • AT CURSOR does not allow specification of an every_clause or a command.
  • Do not use a semicolon.
  • The cursor must be in the Source window and positioned on a line where an executable statement begins. An AT STATEMENT command for the first executable statement in the line is generated and executed (or cleared if one is already defined and TOGGLE is specified). For optimized COBOL programs, the first statement on the line might have been discarded due to optimization effects. Therefore, the first executable statement might be the second statement or later.
  • The AT CURSOR command cannot be used while you replay recorded statements by using the PLAYBACK commands.


Define a PF key to toggle the breakpoint setting at the cursor position.

Refer to the following topics for more information related to the material discussed in this topic.