Creating and managing the TEST runtime options data set by using Terminal Interface Manager (TIM)

Note: This section is not applicable to IBM® Developer z/OS® (non-Enterprise Edition) or IBM Z and Cloud Modernization Stack (Wazi Code).

Before you begin, verify that the user ID that you use to log on to Terminal Interface Manager (TIM) has permission to read and write the TEST runtime options data set.

To create the TEST runtime options data set by using Terminal Interface Manager, do the following steps:

  1. Log on to Terminal Interface Manager.
  2. In the z/OS Debugger TERMINAL INTERFACE MANAGER panel, press PF10.
  3. In the * Specify TEST Run-time Option Data Set * panel, type in the name of a data set which follows the naming pattern specified by your system administrator, in the Data Set Name field. If the data set is not cataloged, type in a volume serial.
  4. Press Enter. If Terminal Interface Manager cannot find the data set, it displays the * Allocate TEST Run-time Option Data Set * panel. Specify allocation parameters for the data set, then press Enter. Terminal Interface Manager creates the data set.
  5. In the * Edit TEST Run-time Option Data Set * panel, make the following changes:
    Program name(s)
    Specify the names of up to eight programs you want to debug. You can specify specific names (for example, EMPLAPP), names appended with a wildcard character (*), or just the wildcard character (which means you want to debug all Language Environment® programs).
    Test Option
    Specify whether to use TEST or NOTEST runtime option.
    Test Level
    Specify which TEST level to use: ALL, ERROR, or NONE.
    Commands File
    If you want to use a commands file, specify the name of a commands file in the format described in the commands_file_designator section of the topic Syntax of the TEST run-time option in the IBM z/OS Debugger Reference and Messages manual.
    Prompt Level
    Specify whether to use PROMPT or NOPROMPT.
    Preferences File
    If you want to use a preferences file, specify the name of a preferences file in the format described in the preferences_file_designator section of the topic Syntax of the TEST run-time option in the IBM z/OS Debugger Reference and Messages manual.
    EQAOPTS File
    If you want z/OS Debugger to run any EQAOPTS commands at run time, specify the name of the EQAOPTS file as a fully-qualified data set name.
    Other run-time options
    Type in any other Language Environment runtime options.
  6. Terminal Interface Manager displays the part of the TEST runtime option that specifies which session type (debugging mode and display information) you want to use under the Current debug display information field. To change the session type, do the following steps:
    1. Press PF9.
    2. In the Change session type panel, select one of the following options:
      Full-screen mode using the z/OS Debugger Terminal Interface Manager
      Type in the user ID you will use to log on to Terminal Interface Manager and debug your program in the User ID field.
      Remote debug mode
      Type in the IP address in the Address field and port number in the Port field of the remote debugger's daemon.
    3. (Optional) Press Enter. Terminal Interface Manager accepts the changes and refreshes the panel.
    4. Press PF4. Terminal Interface Manager displays the * Edit TEST Run-time Option Data Set * panel and under the Current debug session type string: displays one of the following strings:
      • VTAM%userid, if you selected Full-screen mode using the z/OS Debugger Terminal Interface Manager.
      • TCPIP&IP_address%port, if you selected Remote debug mode.
  7. Press PF4 to save your changes to the TEST runtime options data set and to return to the main Terminal Interface Manager screen.

Refer to the following topics for more information related to the material discussed in this topic.

  • For more information about the values to specify for the Test Option, Test Level, and Prompt Level fields, see the topic Syntax of the TEST run-time option in the IBM z/OS Debugger Reference and Messages manual.
  • For instructions on creating a commands file or preferences file, see the topics Creating a commands file or Creating a preferences file.
  • For instructions on creating an EQAOPTS file, see the topic Providing EQAOPTS commands at run time in the IBM z/OS Debugger Reference and Messages manual or IBM z/OS Debugger Customization Guide.
  • For more information about other Language Environment runtime options, see Language Environment Programming Reference, SA22-7562.
  • For more information about the values to specify for the Full-screen mode using the z/OS Debugger Terminal Interface Manager field, see Starting a debugging session in full-screen mode using the Terminal Interface Manager or a dedicated terminal.
  • For more information about the values to specify for the Remote debug mode field, see the online help for the remote GUI.