Deleting DTCN profiles with the DTCN LINK service
z/OS® Debugger provides a service that deletes unowned profiles from the DTCN repository.
If the DTCN repository is stored in CICS® Temporary Storage (EQADTCN2), profiles are owned by the terminal that created them. The service scans the repository, looking for profiles that were created in the region running the service. If the service finds a profile owned by a terminal that is no longer defined and active in the region, the service deletes the profile.
If the DTCN repository is stored in VSAM (EQADPFMB), profiles are owned by the user ID that created them. The service scans the repository, looking for profiles that were created in the region running the service. If the service finds a profile owned by a user ID that is no longer active in the region, the service deletes the profile.
service does not expect a commarea.Invoke this service during DELETE processing in the program that controls autoinstall of terminals; however, you can invoke it from any EXEC-capable program. Figure 1 and Figure 2 show how to invoke the service in DFHZATDX, the supplied, user-replaceable autoinstall control program for terminals.
command is set to YES.See DTCNDELETEDEADPROF for more information.