Adding support for the DTCN profiles API
- Use the z/OS Debugger Profiles view to create and manage CICS profiles.
- Write their own application that uses the APIs described in IBM® z/OS® Debugger API User's Guide and Reference.
- Use the DTCN transaction in a 3270 session.
For the first two cases, you need to enable TCP/IP communication between the remote application and an HTTP server running in a CICS region on the z/OS system, as described in Defining the CICS TCPIPSERVICE resource. Then inform your users that you have enabled this support.
For the first case, to enable all the features in the z/OS Debugger Profiles view, configure Debug Profile Service for best user experience. For more information, see Adding support for Debug Profile Service.
For all cases, if you want users other than the profile owners to modify or delete DTCN profiles, see Defining who can create, modify, or delete DTCN profiles.