What is new and noteworthy in IBM Dependency Based Build

Here you can find what is new and noteworthy for new releases of IBM Dependency Based Build (DBB) v2.0.x.

Version 2.0.1

Important notice

Upgrading the database

If you are upgrading to DBB V2.0.1 from a previous release, you must upgrade the DBB database before using DBB v2.0.1. For detailed instructions, see Upgrading the DBB Db2 or Db2 for z/OS database.

Toolkit API Deprecation Notice

With the introduction of the new JobExec command for submitting JCL (described below in New Features), the existing JCLExec command is deprecated and will be removed in a later release. You should update your build scripts to use the new JobExec command instead.

New features

  • The JobExec command

The new JobExec command serves as a replacement to JCLExec and does not rely on the System Display and Search Facility (SDSF) to function. For more details, see The JobExec command.

  • RACF Group Configuration

The DBB Metadata Store uses RACF groups to define user access permissions. In DBB 2.0, DBB required that RACF groups that matched the role names were defined. In DBB 2.0.1 and later, a database mapping table can be used to map one or more existing RACF groups to a DBB role. For more information on configuring RACF groups see Mapping RACF groups to roles.

Version 2.0.0

Important notice

DBB v2.0 breaking changes

DBB 2.0 introduces some significant changes from previous DBB releases. These changes may require modifications to existing CI/CD pipeline scripts and existing DBB Groovy build scripts. Some changes of note are:

  • Removal of the DBB Server Liberty Web Application as a DBB component.
  • Replacing the Apache Log4J with a new logging framework.
  • Removal of previously deprecated DBB APIs.

For a complete list of changes and how to upgrade your existing pipeline and build scripts to address these issues, see Upgrading to DBB 2.0.

New features

  • The DBB toolkit installed on z/OS UNIX now connects to Db2 databases directly

New DBB toolkit APIs directly access the DBB build metadata that is stored in either Db2 for LUW (Linux®, UNIX, and Windows) databases, or in Db2 for z/OS databases. For more information, see Metadata Store.

  • The DBB toolkit now supports both Java™ 8 and Java 11

The IBM Dependency Based Build (DBB) v2.0.0 and later toolkit (installed in z/OS UNIX) can now run under both an IBM z/OS Java 8 64-bit Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and an IBM z/OS Java 11 64-bit. For more information, see DBB 2.0.0 Prerequisites.

  • DBB 2.0 toolkit has replaced Apache Log4J with SLF4J logging technology

The Apache Log4j logging technology is replaced by the Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J) technology, which allows for different logging frameworks to be bound. By default, the SLF4J Simple Logger is used. For more information, see Configuring the logging framework.