The RODBC package

The RODBC package provides functions that you can use to access the data in your database.

In the RODBC package:
  • Functions with names that begin with odbc invoke the ODBC functions that have similar names.
  • Functions with names that begin with sql can be used to read, save, copy, and manipulate data between data frames and SQL tables.
To load the RODBC library, add the following line to your R script:
library (RODBC)

The following script illustrates how to use the odbcConnect() method to establish a database connection. The specified data source name (DSN) is IDADB, and the believeNRows parameter is set to FALSE to avoid any initial connection issues.

# Load the RODBC package

# Connect to a local DSN called IDADB
con <- odbcConnect("IDADB",believeNRows=FALSE)

# Create query of previously loaded table data - ensure your schema is set
query <- paste("select * from where bname in ('Toronto DSB', 'York Region DSB')")

# Create a data frame based on the query - do not map strings to factors
df <- sqlQuery(con, query, stringsAsFactors=FALSE )

# Display the number of rows, columns, and the structure of the data frame

# Define the type of file to generate for the plot

# Generate the boxplot for comparisons
sp <- ggplot(df, aes(LEVEL, SIZE)) + geom_boxplot(aes(fill = BNAME)) + ggtitle("Comparing School Boards")
print (sp) 