5. Generating a compare job
A compare job performs the requested comparison.
Before you begin
Before you can generate a compare batch job, you must specify the source and target
objects. You can confirm whether these objects are specified by looking at the
Specification Status column on the DB2 Object Comparison Tool Menu
(GOCMENU) panel:
GOCMENU ----------- DB2 Object Comparison Tool Menu 13.1.0 -------------- 15:44
Option ===>
Specification Status:
1 - Specify compare source (new) Database extract specified
2 - Specify compare target (old) Automatic (DB2 catalog extract)
3 - Specify compare masks Mask specified
4 - Specify ignores Ignore fields specified
5 - Generate compare job Not generated
one or both these fields list Incomplete
, you must specify these objects
before continuing. Complete the following tasks as needed:You can optionally complete the following additional tasks before generating a compare batch job:
If you want to use previous compare batch job selections that were saved as a dialog, restore that dialog before you begin. See Managing and restoring dialogs.
To generate a compare batch job:
What to do next
Tip: Consider saving your current compare batch job selections for later use. See
Saving dialogs.