5. Generating a compare job

A compare job performs the requested comparison.

Before you begin

Before you can generate a compare batch job, you must specify the source and target objects. You can confirm whether these objects are specified by looking at the Specification Status column on the DB2 Object Comparison Tool Menu (GOCMENU) panel:
GOCMENU ----------- DB2 Object Comparison Tool Menu 13.1.0 -------------- 15:44
Option ===>                                                                    
                                         Specification Status:                 
   1  - Specify compare source (new)     Database extract specified            
   2  - Specify compare target (old)     Automatic (DB2 catalog extract)       
   3  - Specify compare masks            Mask specified                        
   4  - Specify ignores                  Ignore fields specified               
   5  - Generate compare job             Not generated                             
If one or both these fields list Incomplete, you must specify these objects before continuing. Complete the following tasks as needed:

You can optionally complete the following additional tasks before generating a compare batch job:

If you want to use previous compare batch job selections that were saved as a dialog, restore that dialog before you begin. See Managing and restoring dialogs.


To generate a compare batch job:

  1. On the DB2 Object Comparison Tool Menu (GOCMENU) panel, specify option 5, and press Enter.
    The Generate Compare Jobs (GOC5) panel is displayed.
  2. If want to use Change Management (CM) or do a multi-target import, skip the remaining steps and complete one of the following procedures instead:
  3. On the Generate Compare Jobs (GOC5) panel, specify your compare job options, and press Enter.

    For information about the options on this panel, see Compare job options.

    Tips: Start of change
    • To view only the minimal number of options that you need to set to run a comparison, use the simple display mode. You can toggle between simple and advance mode by using the SIM and ADV commands. For more information about these display modes, see Simple and advanced display modes.
    • Set Save compare results to YES if you want to analyze data about the comparison, ignore changes, or increase the efficiency of subsequent comparisons. The saved compare results contain information about objects that were part of the comparison, including detected differences, changes to make, and how those changes are to be implemented. You can save the compare results only for tables, indexes, global variables, and distinct data types.
    End of change
  4. If the Change Management Prompt (ADB2CMRO) panel is displayed (because CM is enabled and optional for your ID), specify NO, and press Enter.
  5. Complete the requested input on any subsequent panels that are displayed.

    One or more of the following panels might be displayed depending on the compare job options that you selected. For more information about one of these panels, see the related option or panel description.

    Panel Related option on Generate Compare Jobs (GOC5) panel or panel description
    Save Compare Results (ADB2C22) panel Save compare results
    Specify Compare Reporting Options (GOC5RO) panel Compare reporting options
    Specify Data Set Name for Apply Jobs (GOC5AJ) panel Generate apply jobs
    Specify Work Statement List Data Set (ADB2WLDA) panel As work statement list
    Specify Work Statement List (ADB27WLD) panel As work statement list
    Specify Work Statement List Data Set (GOC5WL) panel As work statement list
    Specify Job Parameters (ADB2W1R) panel As work statement list
    REBIND options (ADBPREBO) panel REBIND options
    DB2 Object Compare Warning (GOCGCMPW) panel Generate apply jobs
  6. If you requested a batch job (the Generate online option is set to NO), edit the generated JCL job as needed and submit it to run the comparison. Otherwise (if Generate online is set to YES) , the comparison process is run online.
    For information about the Object Comparison Tool parameters in the generated JCL job, see Parameters in the generated compare batch job.

What to do next

Check the compare report.
Tip: Consider saving your current compare batch job selections for later use. See Saving dialogs.