Displaying trace profiles

You can display the list of trace profiles that are associated with an accelerator. From the list, you can select a profile and modify its trace level details.


  1. On the DB2 Administration Menu (ADB2) panel, specify option Z, and press Enter.
    The System Administration (ADB2Z) panel is displayed.
  2. Specify option AC, and press Enter.

    The DB2 Accelerators (ADBPZAC) panel is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 1. DB2 Accelerators (ADBPZAC) panel
     ADBPZAC n --------------- DB2X DB2 Accelerators -------------- Row 1 to 2 of 2 
     Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE 
     Commands: DIS  ADD                                                             
     Line commands:  STA - Start accelerator  STO - Stop accelerator  T - Tables    
      DIS - Display accelerator  L - Location  AT - Accelerated tables  DEL - Delete
      ? - Show all line commands                                                    
     Select Accelerator Name Location         Type IP Address      Port
            *                *                *    *               *
     ------ ---------------- ---------------- ---- --------------- -----                                      
            ACC1                              V                                      
            ACC2             ACC2             R    1277                                  
  3. In the Select column, specify TPR to display a list of trace profiles associated with the accelerator, and press Enter.

    The Accelerator Trace Profiles (ADBPZTPR) panel is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 2. Accelerator Trace Profiles (ADBPZTPR) panel
    ADBPZTPR  ----------- DB2X Accelerator Trace Profiles -------- Row 1 to 8 of 8
     Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE
     Accelerator name : ACC1                                                        
     Commands: ADD
     Line commands:                                                                
      CO - Components   DESC - Description   DEL - Delete  ACT - Activate                                          
                                         Default         File  Force               
     Sel  Name                    Active Level           Size  Flush               
          *                       *      *                   * *                   
     ---- ----------------------- ------ --------------- ----- -----               
          DEFAULT                 YES    WARN                3 NO                  
          QUERY                   NO     WARN              160 NO                  
          LOAD                    NO     WARN               90 NO                  
          ARCHIVE                 NO     WARN               90 NO                  
          REPLICATION             NO     WARN               63 NO                  
          SOFTWARE_UPDATE         NO     WARN               20 NO                  
          CONTROLLERS             NO     WARN               20 NO                  
          SYSTEM_CRASH            NO     TRACE            1000 YES                 
  4. Specify CO to display the trace profile components, and press Enter.

    The Accelerator Trace Profile Components (ADBPZTPC) panel is displayed, as shown in the following figure.

    Figure 3. Accelerator Trace Profile Components (ADBPZTPC) panel
    ADBPZTPC ------ DB2X Accelerator Trace Profile Components --------- 07:24
    Command ===>                                                                   
    Accelerator name . . : ACC1  
    Trace profile name . : QUERY                                                                
    S    Name                           Level          
         *                              *              
    ---- ------------------------------ -------------- 
         QUERY DETAILS                  DEBUG
         QUERY CONTROLLER               DEBUG 
  5. Specify DESC to view a description of the selected trace profile, and press Enter.