Interpreting a WSL
Before you run a work statement list (WSL), you might want to check the contents to see the types of statements that it contains. Interpreting a WSL allows you to generate a report that selectively lists the different SQL statements, Db2 commands, and utility statements in the WSL.
To interpret a WSL:
- On the DB2 Administration Menu (ADB2) panel, specify option W, and press Enter.
- On the Manage Work Statement Lists (ADB2W) panel, in the Work stmt list dsn field, specify the data set name of the ISPF library that contains the WSL.
- Specify option 1, and press Enter.
- On the Work Statement List Library
(ADB2W1) panel, issue the
I line command against the WSL, and press Enter.
Figure 1. Work Statement List Library panel (ADB2W1) ADB2W1 in ----------------- Work Statement List Library ------ Row 1 to 6 of 6 Command ===> Scroll ===> CSR Commands: OPTIONS Line commands: S - Show R - Run (batch) D - Delete C - Copy A - Append Q - Clone I - Interpret V - Validate E - Edit B - Checkpoint ? - Show all line commands Work Statement List: WSL.LIST Sel Name Created Changed ID Restart * * * * * --- -------- ---------- ---------------- -------- -------- I C0000023 2013/04/05 2013/04/05 09:15 VNDDHG DG29608 2013/04/05 2013/04/05 14:17 VNDDHG D1026676 2013/03/27 2013/03/27 10:03 VNDDHG D25359 2013/03/27 2013/03/27 10:47 VNDDHG REO26676 2013/03/18 2013/03/18 14:04 VNDDHG S28654 2013/02/28 2013/03/28 12:38 VNDDHG Y
- On the Interpret Work Statement List
Options (ADB2W1O) panel, specify an S
next to the statement types that you want interpreted, and press Enter:
Figure 2. Interpret Work Statement List Options (ADB2W1O) panel DB2 Admin ------------ Interpret Work Statement List Options ------------------ Specify S to select Work Statement List statement types: More: + SQL: DB2 Utilities: DB2 Commands: S DDL S Load/Unload Plan/packages S ALTER LOAD BIND CREATE UNLOAD/REORG UNLOAD REBIND S DROP S Backup/Recovery FREE S COMMENT ON COPY Other S LABEL ON COPYTOCOPY RUN SET MERGECOPY START/STOP S DCL MODIFY Other GRANT QUIESCE Admin: REVOKE REBUILD Data set S DML RECOVER ALLOC DELETE REPORT TSODELETE INSERT S Other LISTDEF UPDATE CHECK TEMPLATE Other DIAGNOSE ADBSYSIN COMMIT REORG Other Comments REPAIR ADBPAUSE S Other RUNSTATS UTILFROM STOSPACE REXX Execs Other Other
The Interpret Work Statement List (ADB2W1I) panel displays information about the selected statement types:Figure 3. Interpret Work Statement List report DB2 Admin --------- Interpret Work Statement List: WSL011 - Row 1 to 16 of 103 Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE Line commands: S - Show object V - View statement Sel Seq Action Object Type Qual Name Note * * * * * * --- ----- ---------- ------------- -------> -----------------> ------------- 27 SET SQLID ISTJEB1 29 CREATE DATABASE ISTJEB1D 31 GRANT DATABASE ISTJEB1D 33 GRANT DATABASE ISTJEB1D 35 GRANT DATABASE ISTJEB1D 37 GRANT DATABASE ISTJEB1D 46 CREATE STOGROUP ISTJEB1GLONG 55 CREATE TABLESPACE ISTJEB1D ISTJEB1Z 64 SET SQLID ISTJEB2X 66 CREATE TABLE ISTJEB2X PLAN_TABLEXXXXXXXX 68 SET SQLID ISTJEB1 70 GRANT TABLE ISTJEB2X PLAN_TABLEXXXXXXXX 72 GRANT TABLE ISTJEB2X PLAN_TABLEXXXXXXXX 74 GRANT TABLE ISTJEB2X PLAN_TABLEXXXXXXXX 76 GRANT TABLE ISTJEB2X PLAN_TABLEXXXXXXXX 85 CREATE STOGROUP ISTJEB1G
Use the S line command to view more information about an object. This line command is valid for only those objects that are in the Db2 catalog, such as databases, table spaces, and indexes.