Db2 Admin Tool distributed support

You can use Db2 Admin Tool to connect to remote systems.

With Db2 Admin Tool distributed support, you can perform the following actions:
  • Build utility jobs and submit them to run on remote systems.
  • Perform alter and migrate functions for remote systems.
  • Issue SQL statements against remote systems.
  • Issue distributed GRANT and REVOKE commands.
  • Issue other commands on remote systems.

Db2 Admin Tool uses an SQL CONNECT STATEMENT to connect to a remote system. Db2 Admin Tool can also use three-part names (for example, location.schema.name) where Db2 performs an implicit connect to the remote system.

Setup for distributed access

To make Db2 Admin Tool and Db2 Object Comparison Tool available on remote subsystems you might need to issue additional GRANT statements on the packages at the remote site. Whether this action is required depends on your specific DRDA setup. If needed, these GRANT statements (to grant privileges to the owner of the plan at the local site) run on the packages after outbound and inbound AUTHID translation is done. This process is the same process that you use to set up SPUFI to run on a remote system.

The DRDA setup can be different between installations and sometimes within one installation. Some installations have policies that also restrict the use of GRANT to PUBLIC.

Start of changeIf you want to use the DDF functions in Db2 Admin Tool 13.1 to access a remote system and Db2 Admin Tool is not customized on the remote system that you want to access, you must bind the Db2 Admin Tool 13.1 packages on the remote system. You can take one of the following actions to bind these packages:
  • Issue the following BIND command:
    BIND PACKAGE(<remotelocation>.ADBL) COPY(ADBL.<package>) COPYVER(<version>)
    This command copies and binds the package from the local system to the remote system.
  • On the Packages (ADB21K) panel, use the BC line command on the package that you want to copy and bind.
End of change

Start of changeIf you need to invoke additional functions, such as GEN, on a remote system on which Db2 Admin Tool is not installed, you must also bind the packages for those functions on the remote system. For example, GEN requires the ADB2RE* and other packages to be bound on that system. If many functions need to be used, modify and run the TCz ADBBIND job on the remote system.End of change

Distributed DB2 Systems (ADB2DDF) panel

To use Db2 Admin Tool distributed support, select option DD from the DB2 Administration Menu (ADB2) panel. This option displays the Distributed DB2 Systems (ADB2DDF) panel:

Figure 1. Distributed DB2 Systems (ADB2DDF) panel
 DB2 Admin ----------------- Distributed DB2 Systems -------  ROW 1 TO 19 OF 19
 Command ===>                                             Scroll ===> PAGE         
 Select the location you wish to use:                     DB2 System: DD1A	
                                                          DB2 SQL ID: ADM001
 Line commands:                                                             
    S - Use DDF to access remote catalog  CO - Connect to remote subsystem  
  DIS - Display threads for remote system                                   
Select Location                                                             
 ------ -----------------								

This panel lists the remote Db2 subsystems that are available from the current Db2 subsystem, or local subsystem. You can perform the following actions by using the specified line command:

Displays the active threads for the location or system you select.
Selects the remote subsystem for which you want to access the remote system catalog.
Connects directly to a remote subsystem for issuing remote requests.

You can also use the CONNECT location_name primary command to connect to a remote subsystem.

Restrictions when connecting to a remote subsystem

When using the DD - Distributed DB2 systems function to connect to a remote subsystem, the following actions are restricted:

  • When accessing a remote Db2 system catalog, some functions in the Db2 Admin Tool system catalog dialog are disabled. For example, you cannot issue Db2 DISPLAY or GEN commands. Also, unless prompting is on, you also cannot issue Db2 BIND, REBIND, or FREE commands.
  • If you connect to a remote subsystem that does not have an entry in the ADBTPARM customization table, alter, migrate, and utility jobs are not allowed, and an error message is displayed. (The Db2 subsystem parameters are stored in ISPF table member ADBTPARM in the ISPTLIB table library that is specified in TCz.)
  • You cannot use option 1 of the Space Management function (display page set space by database).
  • You cannot issue SM line commands on the database and table space panels.
  • You cannot interface to other Db2 products from a remote subsystem.

Additionally, to use copies of the system catalog of a remote subsystem, the local subsystem customization must specify the owner of the catalog copy version table.