Submitting the customization jobs

After TCz generates the customization jobs for Db2 Admin Tool, you must submit them to complete the customization process.

About this task

The following figure shows part of the Finish Product Customization (CCQPCST) panel. The table on this panel shows the customization jobs that are generated by TCz. They are grouped by job sequence number.

Figure 1. Finish Product Customization (CCQPCST) panel
CCQPCST                 Finish Product Customization        Row 01 to 06 of 06 
Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR  
For a first-time customization, submit the jobs in the members in the order    
in which they apply to the DB2 entries. Otherwise, submit only the necessary   
jobs that were generated after changes were made. To submit jobs, browse       
the members and issue the TSO SUBMIT command.                                  
Line Commands: E - Edit  B - Browse                                            
    Product customization library:   TS5776.TCZ.CUST.A6.$RS22$.ADB1210         
 Cmd Member   New SSID GrpAttch Template Date       Description                
     *        *   *    *        *        *                                     
 -   -------- --- ---- ----     -------- ---------- -------------------------->
     A0CUSTAK NO  DC1Q  --      ADBCUST  2019/07/11 General customization      
     A2SETUAK NO  DC1Q  --      ADBSETUP 2019/07/11 Admin Tool Setup Task      
     A4CMBSAK NO  DC1Q  --      ADBCMBSS 2019/07/11 Create CM Batch items      
     A5BINDAK NO  DC1Q  --      ADBBIND  2019/07/11 Bind packages              
     A6PLANAK NO  DC1Q  --      ADBPLANS 2019/07/11 Bind plans                 
     B2CMBIAK NO  DC1Q  --      ADBCMBIV 2019/07/11 Verify CM Batch JCL procedu
--------------------------- End of customized jobs ----------------------------

The member-naming conventions depend on whether the customization jobs are for Db2 entries, an LPAR, or the product.

Customization jobs for Db2 entries
The members use the following naming convention:


Two alphanumeric characters, A0 - Z9, that TCz assigns to a customization job. The number for the first template in the sequence is A0, the number for the second template is A1, and so on.
Characters 4 - 7 of the template name, if the template name contains five or more characters. Otherwise, only character 4 is used. Db2 Admin Tool assigns the template name.
Two alphanumeric characters, AA - 99, that TCz assigns to a Db2 entry.

For example, the XYZBNDDB2_entry_ID_1 and XYZBNDDB2_entry_ID_2 jobs are generated from the XYZBNDGR template, and the XYZ4DB2_entry_ID_1 and XYZ4DB2_entry_ID_2 jobs are generated from the XYZ4 template. If the jobs are generated on two Db2 entries, the following member names are listed sequentially: A0BNDGAA, A0BNDGAB, A14AA, A14AB.

Customization jobs for the product
The members use the following naming convention:


Two alphanumeric characters, A0 - Z9, that TCz assigns to a customization job. The number for the first template in the sequence is A0, the number for the second template is A1, and so on.
Characters 4 - 8 of the template name, if the template name contains five or more characters. Otherwise, only character 4 is used. For example, for the XYZMAKE template, the job ID is MAKE. For the XYZM template, the job ID is M. Db2 Admin Tool assigns the template name, and it is displayed in the Template column.

For example, the XYZBNDGR job is generated from the XYZBNDGR template, and the XYZ4 job is generated from the XYZ4 template. The following member names are listed sequentially: A0BNDGR, A14.

Use the New column to determine whether the job member needs to be submitted:

The job member is newly created or updated and needs to be submitted for customization.
The job member is not newly created or updated and does not need to be submitted for customization.
Tip: Start of changeYou might not need to submit the ADBGRANT job. This job is optionally generated and contains GRANT statements. Depending on your shop standards, this job might need to be submitted by a user with additional privileges, such as SECADM. Or, if your shop uses external security tools, this job might not need to be run at all.End of change


To submit the customization jobs:

  1. Submit the generated customization jobs by following your organization's process or by using the following method:
    1. Specify B or E against a customization job or the product customization library, and press Enter.
      An ISPF browsing or editing session is started.
    2. Browse the customization job or each member in the library to ensure that the information is correct.
    3. Run the TSO SUBMIT command.
  2. Press End.


Db2 Admin Tool is customized, and the Customizer Workplace (CCQPWRK) panel is displayed. For the Db2 entries on which Db2 Admin Tool was customized, the status is Customized .

What to do next

You can generate more customization jobs for other Db2 entries, view a list of customization jobs that you previously generated, or recustomize Db2 Admin Tool.