can choose to have the migration batch jobs generated online or in batch. Generate the jobs in
batch if you want to specify an object scope.
If you specify to have the migration jobs generated in batch, Db2 Admin Tool creates a work data set (MIGVARS) that stores
the parameter information that you specify on Migrate Parameters
(ADB28M) panel and the necessary ISPF tables to use as input
when generating the migration source and target JCL. For more information about the data sets that
are required during this migration process, see Work data sets used by the MIG function.
If you want to
specify an object scope, specify YES for the Generate MIG jobs in
batch option.
If you specify YES for the DROP on
target before CREATE field, any RESTRICT ON DROP conditions for tables are not
considered. If a table is defined with RESTRICT ON DROP, you must remove that attribute for the DROP
statement to complete successfully.
If you specify UNLOAD in the
Unload method field and YES in the Parallel
utilities field, and do not provide your own UNLDDN template, the default template
ASYREC6 with variable &PART or &PA in the ADB2UCUS skeleton is used as the template for the
unload data set. When &PART or &PA is specified, Db2 Admin Tool replaces the variable with 00001 up to the
maximum partition number of the associated object. The total length of the values for &PREFIX
and &LEVEL must not exceed 12 bytes.
Optional steps after reload:
Specify which jobs you want to run after reloading the data.
COPY requests are not generated for implicitly created table
The REBIND option generates rebinds of the source
packages for the target system.
Utility control options
Specify whether to use templates and custom utility options.
If you set the option
Use customized utility options to YES, use the UO (Customize utility options)
command to specify the utility options. To customize the HPU utility, enter the HPU option on the
Change Utilities Options
(ADB2UOPS) panel, as described in Unloading objects by using Db2 High Performance Unload.
If you choose to
migrate only the data, use the LOAD utility option REPLACE or RESUME to control how the data is
loaded into the target system with the following restrictions:
Db2 does not allow using LOAD REPLACE
on certain types of tables. When LOAD REPLACE is specified but not allowed, the RESUME YES option is
used instead.
If all tables in a multi-table table space are not selected for migration on the source system,
and the LOAD REPLACE option is specified, RESUME YES is used instead.
If all tables in a multi-table table space are selected for migration on the source system, and
the LOAD REPLACE option is specified, any additional tables in the table space on the target system
remain empty after migration.
If you do not use customized utility options, Db2 Admin Tool uses the default REPLACE and RESUME option
that is generated by the Db2 UNLOAD
utility or the Db2 High Performance Unload
(HPU) utility.
Figure 1. Migrate Parameters
(ADB28M) panel
ADB28M ------------------- DD1A Migrate Parameters ------------------- 09:58
Option ===>
Please specify the following for DB2 Admin Migrate: DB2 System: DD1A
More: +
Worklist name . . . . . . . (also used as middle qualifier in DSNs)
Data set information:
PDS for jobs . . . . . . MYMIGR.JCL
Prefix for datasets . . . ISTJE Target system parameters:
DB2 subsystem id (SSID) . DB2X DB2 release . . . . : 1101
Target system node name . Submit job at local. : NO (Yes/No)
DB2 sample pgm load lib . DBS.DSN110.RUNLIB.LOAD
Target JCL job data sets for Admin and DB2
Use customization settings for Admin libs . . . . . NO (Yes/No)
Use customization settings for the following libs . NO (Yes/No)
DB2 Admin APF library . .
DB2 exit library . . . .
DB2 load library . . . SYS1.DSNDB2X.SDSNLOAD
Catalog statistics options:
Catalog qualifier . . . . . HI > (default SYSIBM)
Statistics tables . . . . . SELECT (All or Select. Default is All)
Migrate options:
Generate MIG jobs in batch . . . NO (Yes/No)
Generate work stmt list . . . . . NO (Yes/No)
Combine job steps . . . . . . . . YES (Yes/No, Yes if HPU Unload)
Member prefix for combined jobs ADBMG (default ADBMG )
Scope of migrate:
DDL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N (Yes/No)
Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . N (Yes/No)
Catalog statistics . . . . . . N (Yes/No)
DROP on target before CREATE . . NO (Yes/No,No if scope DDL is NO)
Unload method . . . . . . . . . . U (U - Unload, H - HPU, C - Cross)
Parallel utilities . . . . . . . NO (Yes/No) Optional steps after reload:
Run CHECK DATA . . . . . . . . . : NO (Yes/No)
Run RUNSTATS . . . . . . . . . . : NO (Yes/No)
Run IMAGE COPY . . . . . . . . . : NO (Yes/No)
Run REBIND . . . . . . . . . . . : NO (Yes/No)
Utility control options:
Generate template statements . . : (Yes/No)
Use customized utility options . : (Yes/No)
BP - Change batch job parameters
TU - Specify template usage
UO - Customize utility options
GEN - GEN options
After you press Enter, Db2 Admin Tool starts to
generate the jobs required for migration.
If the Specify Masks
(ADB2GENM) panel is displayed,
follow the instructions in Specifying masks.
If the Catalog Statistics Tables
(ADBPGEN2) panel is displayed
(because you specified SELECT in the Statistics tables
field), specify the catalog tables that you want to update with statistics. Remove the slash
(/) next to catalog tables that you do not want to update.
example, removing the slash (/) that is next to SYSCOLDISTSTATS turns off the
generation of updates to that table.
Tip: Tables with the suffix of DISTSTATS are used
to store partition-level statistics. These tables are not used by the optimizer but are used by
RUNSTATS. Therefore, tables with the suffix of DISTSTATS can be turned off if you do not plan to run
RUNSTATS on the target objects.
If you chose to generate the migration jobs online, the Migrate Progress
(ADB28MP) panel is displayed to show the progress of
building the jobs. In this case, you do not need to take any action. When Db2 Admin Tool finishes generating the jobs that are
required for migration, they are displayed in an ISPF Edit session, as shown in the following
example. You can skip the remaining steps in this procedure and continue to Step 3. Run the migration batch jobs.
If you chose to generate the jobs in batch, an ISPF edit session opens and lists the
generated jobs. These jobs are needed to generate the migration jobs. In this case, continue with
the remaining steps.
Figure 3. Sample of job edit panel for
generating the migrate jobs in batch
Menu Functions Utilities Help
EDIT ISTJE.MIGDSN85.JCL Row 00001 of 00011
Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE
Name Prompt Size Created Changed ID
. ADBMGSC 121 2021/11/10 2021/11/11 00:55:00 ISTJE
. ADBMGS0 83 2021/11/10 2021/11/11 00:55:00 ISTJE
If you want to specify an object scope, edit one of the following jobs according to the
instructions in the job comments:
<Member prefix for combined jobs>SC, if you
chose to combine the job steps
SSTSCBAT, if you chose not to combine the job steps
This job redefines the object scope that is saved in the ADBSVARS data set for
generating the migration batch jobs.
Submit one of the following jobs to generate the jobs that are required for
<Member prefix for combined jobs>SO, if you chose to
combine the job steps
SST0BAT, if you chose not to combine the job