Viewing dynamic query capture monitors

Dynamic query capture monitors are used by Db2 to monitor dynamic SQL statements for stabilization. These monitors are part of the dynamic SQL plan stability feature of Db2.

Before you begin

Before you can view dynamic query capture monitors, all of the following conditions must be true:
  • The subsystem must be running on Db2 12 function level 500 or higher.
  • The CACHEDYN subsystem parameter must be set to YES, and the CACHEDYN_STABILIZATION subsystem parameter must be set to either BOTH or CAPTURE. (To change these parameter values, follow the instructions in Managing Db2 subsystem parameters.)


To view dynamic query capture monitors:

  1. On the DB2 Administration Menu (ADB2) panel, specify option E, and press Enter.
  2. On the EXPLAIN (ADB2E) panel, specify option DPS, and press Enter.

    If the DPS option is not displayed, the prerequisites (in Before you begin) are not all true.

  3. Optional: On the Display/Manage Dynamic Plan Stability (ADB2ED) panel, specify any selection criteria to filter the monitors that you want displayed.
  4. Specify option 2, and press Enter:
    ADB2ED in ---------- DC1A Display/Manage Dynamic Plan Stability --------- 14:35
    Option ===> 2                                                                   
      1 - START DYNQUERYCAPTURE                                                    
      2 - DISPLAY/STOP DYNQUERYCAPTURE                                             
      3 - Display/manage SYSDYNQRY                                                 
    Enter standard selection criteria for Option 3.                                
    Settings: LIKE operator; Criteria not saved.                                   
    Stabilization Group . .                                                      >
    Copy ID . . . . . . . .    (0 or 4)                                            
    SQL ID  . . . . . . . .                                                        
    Valid . . . . . . . . .    (A,H,N or Y)                                        
    SQL Statement Type  . .                                                        
    Applcompat  . . . . . .           (eg. V12R1M501)                              
    Last Used . . . . . . .                                                        
    Altered Within  . . . .                                                       

    The Display/Manage DYNQUERYCAPTURE (ADB2ED2) panel displays information about all of the currently active dynamic query capture monitors. Each row contains information about a stabilization group that is being monitored. If you started a dynamic query capture monitor with a smaller scope than an existing active query capture monitor, the monitor with the smaller scope is not considered active and is not displayed on this panel.

    ADB2ED2 n ----------------- DC1A Display/Manage DYNQUERYCAPTURE  Row 1 to 6 of 6 
    Commands: STOPGROUP STOPLOCAL                                                  
    Line commands:                                                                 
     STOL - Stop local monitor  STA - Start monitor                                
     STOG - Stop Group monitor                                                     
    SEL       number Stabilization group            SQL ID   Threshold  Stabilized 
                   * *                              *                *           * 
    ---- ----------- -----------------------------> -------- --------- ----------- 
                 170 T5                             ERNSCH01         1           0 
                 166 T12345678901234567890123456789 TS6509           1       37004 
                 148 T4                             TS5794           1        2387 
                 147 T3                             TS5791           1           1 
                 146 T2                             TS5770           1         470 
                 145 EREN1                          *                2        3820 
    ******************************* END OF DB2 DATA *******************************

    From this panel, you can stop monitors by using the STOPGROUP and STOPLOCAL commands or the STOL and STOG line commands. You can also modify a monitor by using the STA line command or start a new monitor by using the STA command.