Displaying or updating the LUNAMES table
Use the Display/Update LUNAMES panel to update the LUNAMES table.
On the DB2 Administration Menu
(ADB2) panel, specify Z, and press Enter.
The System Administration (ADB2Z) panel is displayed.
Specify option DU, and press Enter.
The Display/Update CDB panel is displayed, as shown in the following figure.
Figure 1. Display/Update CDB panel (ADB2Z5) DB2 Admin ------------------- DD1A Display/Update CDB ------------------- 17:34 Option ===> DB2 System: DD1A L - Display/update LOCATIONS DB2 SQL ID: ADM001 1 - Display/update LUNAMES 2 - Display/update IPNAMES 3 - Display/update LUMODES 4 - Display/update MODESELECT 5 - Display/update USERNAMES 6 - Display/update LULIST 7 - DISPLAY/UPDATE IPLIST Option xI can be used to insert rows into empty tables (x= option number) Switch Catalog Copy ===> N (N/S/C)
Select 1, and press Enter.
The Display/Update LUNAMES panel is displayed, shown in the following figure.
Figure 2. Display/Update LUNAMES panel (ADB2Z51) DB2 Admin ------------- DD1A Display/Update LUNAMES --------------- Row 1 of 2 Command ===> DB2 System: DD1A Line commands: D - Delete I - Insert U - Update LOC - Locations LUM - Lu modes USER - User names MODE - Mode select ILOC - Insert location ILUM - Insert LU modes IMODE - Insert mode IUSER - Insert user System Security: Encrypt Mode User Select LU Name Mode Name In Out Password Select Names Generic * * * * * * * * ------ -------> --------- --- --- -------- ------ ----- ------- V P Y N O N DKLUDB2W V A N N O N ******************************* END OF DB2 DATA *******************************
- Optional:
Update the table by using the following line commands, and press Enter.
- D
- Deletes the row.
- I
- Inserts a new row. Row values can be entered on the next panel.
- U
- Updates the row. Row values can be changed on the next panel.