Displaying or altering stored procedures

You can display all the stored procedures that you have defined in your system and make changes to any of them as needed.

Before you begin

Ensure that the Manage Stored Procedures (ADB2ZP) panel is open. For instructions on how to navigate to this panel, see Stored procedures.


To display stored procedures:

  1. On the Manage Stored Procedures (ADB2ZP) panel, specify option 1, and press Enter.
    The Stored Procedures (ADB21O) panel lists the stored procedures that are defined on your system:
    Figure 1. Stored Procedures (ADB21O) panel
     DB2 Admin ---------------- DB2X Stored Procedures ---------------- Row 1 of 11 
     Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE 
     Line commands:                                                                 
     AH - Schema Auth  A - Auth  DROP - Drop  AL - Alter  K - Package  PA - Parms   
     DIS - Display  STO - Stop  STA - Start  GR - Grant  COM - Comment  CALL - Call              
     ? - Show all line commands                                                     
                                                            Res   Q S P C External  
    Sel  Schema   Name               Version  A Lang Parms  Set O L R T R Name      
         *        *                  *        * *         *   * * * * * * *         
    ---- -------- ------------------ -------> - ---- ------ --- - - - - - --------> 
         SMITHJR  PJ                            PLI       0   0 E M N M N PJ        
         SMITHJR  PJCOPD2            V1       Y SQL       5   0 N M N   N           
         SMITHJR  PJCOPED                       PLI       5   0 E M N M N PJCOPED   
         SMITHJR  PJJAVAPRC                     JAVA      0  10 E M N S N PKG402110 
         SMITHJR  PJNSP              DISABLED N SQL       1   0 N M N   N           
         SMITHJR  PJNSP              VER1     Y SQL       1   0 N M N   N           
         SMITHJR  PJNSP              VER2     N SQL       1   0 N M N   N           
         SMITHJR  PJNSP              VER3     N SQL       1   0 N M N   N           
         SMITHJR  PJNSP              VER4     N SQL       1   0 N M N   N           
    ******************************* END OF DB2 DATA *******************************     

    From this panel, you can use the line commands to perform actions on individual stored procedures.

    Restriction: The SRC line command is not supported for native SQL procedures. Press PF1 if you get an invalid line command message and look at the O column. If there is an N in that column, then the SRC command is not supported. An E in the O column indicates the SRC command is supported.
  2. If you need to alter a stored procedure, use the ALT or AL line commands to make changes.