Running queries on table spaces containing more than one table

Use the performance queries function to view information about and work with table spaces containing multiple tables.


  1. On the DB2 Administration Menu (ADB2) panel, specify option 3, and press Enter.
    The DB2 Performance Queries panel is displayed.
  2. Specify option 10, and press Enter.

    The Table Spaces Containing More Than One Table (ADB2310) panel is displayed, as shown in the following figure:

    Figure 1. Table Spaces Containing More Than One Table (ADB2310) panel
     DB2 Admin ----- DB2X Table Spaces Containing More Than One Table -- Row 1 of 6 
     Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE 
     The following nonsegmented table spaces contain more than one table. In most   
     cases, nonsegmented table spaces should only contain one table. Unless you     
     have good reasons for having more than one table per table space (for example, 
     you want to cluster small read-only tables in one table space), consider moving
     the tables to separate table spaces.                                           
     Commands:       UT - Utilities							               						
     Line commands:   S - Select                                                    
                          Number of                                                 
     S DB Name  TS Name   Tables                                                    
       *        *                 *                                                 
     - -------- --------- ---------                                                 
       DBEDB1   DBETS1            2                                                 
       DSN8D81A DSN8S81R          6                                                 
       DSQDBCTL DSQTSCT1          2                                                 
       DSQ1STBB DSQ1STBT          9                                                 
       ISTJED   ISTJES            6                                                 
       RAADB    RAATSQRC          2                                                 
     ******************************* END OF DB2 DATA *******************************

    The following columns are on this panel:

    Selects a table space when you use the S line command.
    DB Name
    The name of the database.
    Table Name
    The name of the table on which the index is defined.
    Number of tables
    The number of tables that are defined in the table space.
  3. Optional: Work with the table spaces by using the primary commands and line commands.

    In general, nonsegmented table spaces should only contain one table. Unless you require more than one table per table space (for example, if you want to cluster small read-only tables in one table space), consider moving the tables to separate table spaces.