Option GV. Global Variables

Use the Global Variables panel to display information about the global variables in the Db2 catalog.

Select option GV on the System Catalog panel to display the Global Variables panel, as shown in the following figure.

Figure 1. Global Variables panel (ADBP1GV)
 ADBP1GV n ---------------- DD1A Global Variables ---------- Row 1 to 11 of 325 
 Line commands:                                                                 
  I - Interpretation  A - Auth  GEN - Generate DDL  DDL - Object DDL            
  CRE - Create  COM - Comment  ALT - Alter  DROP - Drop  DO - Dependent objects 
  ? - Show all line commands                                                    
                                    Data     Max                                
 Select Schema   Name               Type     Length Scale  Default Text         
        *        *                  *             *      * *                    
 ------ -------> ------------------ -------- <----- ------ ---------------------
        SYSIBM   CLIENT_IPADDR      CHAR         39      0 NULL                 
        SYSIBMAD GET_ARCHIVE        CHAR          1      0 'N'                  
        SYSIBMAD MOVE_TO_ARCHIVE    CHAR          1      0 'N'                  
        VNDRG    VAR1               INTEGER       4      0                      
        VNDRG    VAR2               VARCHAR     100      0                      
        VNDRG    VWINT              INTEGER       4      0                      
        VNDRG    TEXT               VARCHAR     128      0                      
        VNDRG    VARCHAR128         VARCHAR     128      0                      
        GVAR     TEST               VARCHAR     128      0                      
        GVAR     TESTFUNC           VARCHAR     128      0                      
        VNDRG    GINT               INTEGER       4      0                      

The following primary commands are valid on this panel:

Interpretation. Provides detailed information about a specific global variable.
Authorization. display information about the users who grant privileges to global variables, and information about the users who hold the privileges.
Generate DDL. Generate SQL statements.
Object DDL.
Comment. Object DDL.
Alter. Object DDL.
Drop. Object DDL.
Dependent objects. Object DDL.

The following columns are on this panel:

Input field where you enter one of the line commands listed on the panel.
The schema of the global variable.
The name of the global variable.
Data Type
The name of the data type.
Max Length
The maximum length of the global variable.
The scale of the global variable.
Default Text
The text of the default value of the global variable.

If the text is truncated, type EXPAND on the primary command line, position the cursor on the default text field, and press Enter to display all of the text.