Option D. Databases

The Databases (ADB21D) panel displays the databases in the Db2 catalog.

To display the Databases (ADB21D) panel, select option D on the System Catalog (ADB21) panel .

Figure 1. Databases (ADB21D) panel
DB2 Admin ------------------- DB2X Databases --------------------- Row 1 of 25 
 Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE 
 Commands: GRANT  MIG  DIS  STA  STO  UTIL       MOVETB                                      
 Line commands:                                                                 
  T - Tables  S - Table spaces  X - Indexes  G - Storage group  ICS - IC status 
  DIS - Display database  STA - Start database  STO - Stop database  A - Auth   
  ? - Show all line commands                                                    
                          Storage  Buffer          Created      Index           
 Select Name     Owner    Group    Pool       DBID By       T E BPool    I      
        *        *        *        *             * *        * * *        *      
 ------ -------- -------- -------- -------- ------ -------- - - -------- -      
        ADBDCH   ADB      ADBGCH   BP1         271 ISTFL2     E BP2      N      
        DBEDB1   DPGROTH  SYSDEFLT BP1         272 DPGROTH    E BP2      N      
        DBEDB2   DPGROTH  SYSDEFLT BP1         273 DPGROTH    E BP2      N      
        DSNDB04  SYSIBM   SYSDEFLT BP1           4 SYSIBM       BP2      N      
        DSNDB06  SYSIBM                          6 SYSIBM     E BP0      N      
        DSNDB07  DSCGDB2  SYSDEFLT BP1           7 ISTJE    W   BP2      N      
        DSNRGFDB DSCGDB2  SYSDEFLT BP1         257 ISTJE      E BP2      N      
        DSNRLST  DSCGDB2  SYSDEFLT BP1         256 ISTJE      E BP2      N      
        DSN8D81A DSCGDB2  DSN8G810 BP0         258 ISTJE      E BP2      N      
        DSN8D81E DSCGDB2  DSN8G810 BP1         260 ISTJE      U BP2      N      
        DSN8D81P DSCGDB2  DSN8G810 BP0         259 ISTJE      E BP2      N      
        DSN8D81U DSCGDB2  DSN8G81U BP1         261 ISTJE      E BP2      N      
        DSQDBCTL DPGROTH  SYSDEFLT BP1         266 DPGROTH    E BP2      N      
        DSQDBDEF DPGROTH  SYSDEFLT BP1         267 DPGROTH    E BP2      N      
        DSQ1STBB DPGROTH  SYSDEFLT BP1         265 DPGROTH    E BP2      N      
        ISTJED   ISTJE    ISTJEG   BP1         269 ISTJE      E BP2      N      
        MAPD1    ISTJE    ISTJEG   BP1         276 ISTJE      E BP2      N      
        MAPD2    ISTJE    ISTJEG   BP1         277 ISTJE      E BP2      N      
        RAADB    DPGROTH  SYSDEFLT BP1         268 DPGROTH    E BP2      N      
        RDBIDB1  DPGROTH  SYSDEFLT BP1         262 DPGROTH    E BP2      N      
        RDBIDB2  DPGROTH  SYSDEFLT BP1         263 DPGROTH    E BP2      N      
        RDBIDB3  DPGROTH  SYSDEFLT BP1         264 DPGROTH    E BP2      N      
        TFLDB    ISTFL2   TFLSG    BP1         270 ISTFL2     E BP2      N      
        XXXXX    ISTJE    ISTJEG   BP1         274 ISTJE      E BP2      N      
        YYYYY    ISTJE    ISTJEG   BP1         275 ISTJE      E BP2      N      
 ******************************* END OF DB2 DATA *******************************

The following primary commands are valid on this panel:

Issues a GRANT command on multiple databases.
Issues a MIG command on multiple databases.
Issues a Db2 DISPLAY command on multiple databases.
Issues a Db2 START command on multiple databases.
Issues a Db2 STOP command on multiple databases.
Selects the table spaces for multiple databases for which to generate utility JCL.
Moves tables from multi-table table spaces to partition-by-growth (PBG) universal table spaces (UTS).

If either of the following conditions are true, you are prompted to send the statements to a batch job or work statement list (WSL):

  • The size of the statements generated by the GRANT, DIS, STA, or STO primary command exceeds 32K (an ISPF limit).
  • The number of statements generated by the DIS, STA, or STO primary command exceeds 10
Recommendation: Primary commands operate on each row that is displayed in the table. If you want to omit some of the rows before you issue the primary command, use the minus (-) line command to remove rows from the display. The primary commands operate only on rows that are listed.

The panel displays the following columns:

Input field where you enter one of the line commands listed on the panel.
Name of the database.
Authorization ID of the owner of the database.
Storage Group
Name of the default storage group for the database. For system databases, this field is blank.
Buffer Pool
Name of the default buffer pool for the database. For system databases, this field is blank.
Internal ID for the database.
Created By
Primary authorization ID of the user who created the database.
Type of database. This column can contain one of the following values:
Work file
Temporary database
Not a work file database or a temporary database
Type of encoding. This column can contain one of the following values:
Work file or temporary database
Index BPool
Name of the default buffer pool for indexes.
Whether the database is an implicitly-created database.