DB2 Administration Menu (ADB2) panel

The DB2 Administration Menu (ADB2) panel is the main menu for accessing Db2 Admin Tool functions.

Attention: You can use the TSO split screen function to access Db2 Admin Tool. However, if the Db2 subsystems that you are accessing are at different version levels, you might experience unexpected problems, such as a system abend 0C4, ABEND0C4. To avoid these problems, ensure that the different Db2 subsystems are at the same version level.
Figure 1. DB2 Administration Menu (ADB2) panel
Start of change
ADB2 dmin -------------- DB2 Administration Menu 13.1.0 ------------------ 00:49
Option ===> 1                                                                  
   1 - DB2 system catalog                                DB2 System: DD1A      
   2 - Execute SQL statements                            DB2 SQL ID: ADM001     
   3 - DB2 performance queries                           Userid    : ADM001     
   4 - Change current SQL ID                             DB2 Schema: ADM001     
   5 - Utility generation using LISTDEFs and TEMPLATEs   DB2 Rel   : 1315     
   P - Change DB2 Admin parameters                       DB2 F.Lvl : V13R1M501 
  DD - Distributed DB2 systems                           Max ApplC : V13R1M501 
   E - Explain                                           ApplCompat: V13R1M501
   Z - DB2 system administration                         Cat Level : V13R1M501
  SM - Space management functions                        Loc. : DB2B11                      
   W - Manage work statement lists                       Sys. time : CHANGED          
   X - Exit DB2 Admin                                    Bus. time : CHANGED
  CC - DB2 catalog copy version maintenance	
  CM - Change management                                                       
Interface to other DB2 products and offerings:                                 
   I  DB2I   DB2 Interactive                                                   
   C  DB2 Object Comparison Tool			            
End of change

This panel lists the following information:

DB2 System
The Db2 subsystem name
The current Db2 SQL authorization ID
The user ID
DB2 Schema
The Db2 schema
DB2 Rel
The Db2 release number
DB2 F.Lvl
The Db2 function level. See Db2 function level.
The value of the CURRENT APPLICATION COMPATIBILITY special register. This special register is initially set to the APPLCOMPAT value with which the ADBMAIN package was bound. However, you can update this value within Db2 Admin Tool by using a SET statement or the APPLCOMPAT primary command. See APPLCOMPAT.
Start of changeCat levelEnd of change
Start of changeThe Db2 catalog levelEnd of change
Start of changeLoc.End of change
Start of changeIf you are connected to a remote Db2 subsystem, the remote subsystem location. If you are not connected to a remote subsystem, the Loc. (Location) field is not displayed.End of change
Start of changeSys. timeEnd of change
Start of changeIf the Db2 special register CURRENT TEMPORAL SYSTEM_TIME is not NULL, this field shows CHANGED. Otherwise, if this special register is set to NULL, this field is not displayed.End of change
Start of changeBus. timeEnd of change
Start of changeIf the Db2 special register CURRENT TEMPORAL BUSINESS_TIME is not NULL, this field shows CHANGED. Otherwise, if this special register is set to NULL, this field is not displayed.End of change

From this panel, you can specify the following options:

Select this option to display information from the Db2 catalog about Db2 objects and authorizations for those objects.
Select this option to execute SQL statements.
Select this option to run performance and space usage queries.
Select this option to change your current SQL ID. This action is equivalent to issuing the Db2 Admin Tool primary command SQLID.
Select this option to generate utility jobs that use lists (defined by the LISTDEF utility) and templates (defined by the TEMPLATE utility).
Select this option to change Db2 Admin Tool parameters.
Select this option to see the system catalog panels for a remote Db2 system.
Select this option to use the EXPLAIN statement. You can enter an SQL statement and see the resulting rows in a plan table (PLAN_TABLE), list rows from a plan table and see how Db2 will execute SQL statements in application plans or packages that were bound with EXPLAIN(YES), or create and upgrade a plan table.
Select this option to display a list of system administration functions.
Select this option to perform space manager functions.
Select this option to display the work statement list library and to manage work statement lists.
Select this option to maintain and update the catalog copy version table. This option is displayed only if you customized your system to support multiple catalog copies.
Select this option to use the Change Management functions. You can manage objects such as changes, versions, masks, and ignores. You can also complete tasks such as managing report changes. This option is displayed only if Db2 Admin Tool has been customized to enable the use of Change Management.
This option is “hidden”, meaning that it is not displayed on the panel. Select S to access the Db2 Admin Tool product sample application.