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Managing SSIDs for grant management

In grant management, an SSID, or subsystem ID, identifies a subsystem for the group and where to perform the GRANT and REVOKE operations.


To manage SSIDs for grant management:

  1. On the DB2 Administration Menu (ADB2) panel, specify option Z, and press Enter.
  2. On the System Administration (ADB2Z) panel, specify option GM, and press Enter.
  3. On the Grant Management Menu (ADB2ZGM) panel, specify option S and optionally any filtering criteria, and press Enter.
    Figure 1. Grant Management Menu (ADB2ZGM) panel
    ADB2ZGM n ----------------- DD1A Grant Management Menu ------------------ 13:53
    Option ===> S                                                                     
                                                             Db2 System: DD1A      
                                                             Db2 SQL ID: ADM001    
     G - Groups                                 GO - Group objects                 
     P - Privileges                             GP - Group privileges              
     S - SSIDs                                  PP - Pending privileges            
    Enter standard selection criteria:                                             
     Name  . . . .                            > Creator . . .            >         
     Type  . . . .                              AUTHID  . . .            >         
     Qualifier . .                            > SSID  . . . .                      
     Ends in <=. .                            > (e.g. n DAYS or n MONTHS)          

    For SSIDs, you can enter filtering criteria in the SSID and Creator fields.

    The GM - Manage SSIDs (ADB2ZGS) panel displays a list of SSIDs, including your local SSID.

    Figure 2. GM - Manage SSIDs (ADB2ZGS) panel
    ADB2ZGS n -------------------- DD1A GM - Manage SSIDs -------- Row 1 to 1 of 1 
    Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE 
    Commands: ADD                                                                  
    Line commands:  A - Add  D - Delete  GO - Group objects  I - Interpret         
     PP - Pending privileges  ? - Show all line commands                           
    Sel SSID Location                   By       Created Timestamp                 
        *    *                          *        *                                 
    --- ---- -------------------------- -------> --------------------------        
        DD1A LOCAL                      TS6462   2023-07-14-        
    ******************************* END OF DB2 DATA *******************************
  4. Perform any of the following actions as needed to edit your SSIDs:
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Adding an SSID

Before you begin

If the GM - Manage SSIDs (ADB2ZGS) panel is not displayed, complete the steps in Managing SSIDs for grant management.


  1. On the GM - Manage SSIDs (ADB2ZGS) panel, issue the ADD command, and press Enter.
  2. On the GM - Add SSID (ADB2ZGS) panel, specify an SSID and location. The specified location can be different than your current location.
    ADB2ZGSA  ---------------------- DD1A GM - Add SSID --------------------- 16:43
    Command ===>                                                                   
    Add SSID using the following options:                                          
    SSID . . . . . . .                                                             
    Location . . . . .                  (? for lookup)                             
    Tip: Specify ? to look up a location.
  3. Press Enter.
    An ADBTEP2 job is generated with an ADMIN GM statement that adds the SSID.
  4. Submit the job to add the new SSID.
    Tip: When you return to the GM - Manage SSIDs (ADB2ZGS) panel, you might need to issue the REFRESH command to see the new SSID listed.

What to do next

If, after adding an SSID, you want to expand an existing group to the new subsystem, following the instructions in Expanding a group.
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Deleting an SSID

You can delete an SSID if no pending privileges with that SSID exist. When you delete an SSID, all associated group objects are also deleted.

Before you begin

If the GM - Manage SSIDs (ADB2ZGS) panel is not displayed, complete the steps in Managing privileges for grant management.


  1. On the GM - Manage SSIDs (ADB2ZGS) panel, specify the D line command next to the SSID that you want to delete, and press Enter.
    An ADBTEP2 job is generated with an ADMIN GM statement that deletes the SSID.
  2. Submit the job to delete the SSID.
    Tip: When you return to the GM - Manage SSIDs (ADB2ZGS) panel, you might need to issue the REFRESH command to see the SSID removed.
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