Altering table spaces
You can make changes to table spaces or partitions, such as changing the name or lock size or converting a table space to be a partitioned. Depending on the change that you want to make, use either the AL or ALT line command.
About this task
Use the AL line command to make table space changes that are supported by the ALTER TABLESPACE statement, such as changing the lock size or the maximum number of partitions.
Use the ALT line command to make table space changes that are not supported by the ALTER TABLESPACE statement, such as changing a non-partitioned table space to a partitioned table space. When you alter a table space with the ALT command, the table space is said to be redefined.
To convert a table space from partition-by-growth (PBG) to partition-by-range (PBR) by using an ALTER statement in Db2® 13, you must use the ALT line command or navigate to the table and use the AL line command. See Converting a table space from PBG to a PBR.
Altering a table space by using the AL line command
To alter a table space by using the AL line command:
Altering a table space by using the ALT command
To alter a table space by using the ALT command: