Altering table spaces

You can make changes to table spaces or partitions, such as changing the name or lock size or converting a table space to be a partitioned. Depending on the change that you want to make, use either the AL or ALT line command.

About this task

Use the AL line command to make table space changes that are supported by the ALTER TABLESPACE statement, such as changing the lock size or the maximum number of partitions.

Use the ALT line command to make table space changes that are not supported by the ALTER TABLESPACE statement, such as changing a non-partitioned table space to a partitioned table space. When you alter a table space with the ALT command, the table space is said to be redefined.

Start of changeTo convert a table space from partition-by-growth (PBG) to partition-by-range (PBR) by using an ALTER statement in Db2® 13, you must use the ALT line command or navigate to the table and use the AL line command. See Converting a table space from PBG to a PBR.End of change

Restrictions for implicit table spaces: Start of changeYou can use Db2 Admin Tool to alter implicit table spaces by using either AL or ALT. However, Db2 restricts certain alterations for implicit table spaces. For example, you cannot change the table space name or owner. Any attributes that are restricted by Db2 for implicit table space alters are not changeable on the Db2 Admin Tool panels when using AL or ALT for implicit table spaces.End of change

Altering a table space by using the AL line command


To alter a table space by using the AL line command:

  1. On the DB2 Administration Menu (ADB2) panel, specify option 1, and press Enter.
  2. On the System Catalog (ADB21) panel, specify any selection criteria at the bottom, specify option S, and press Enter.
  3. On the Table Spaces (ADB21S) panel, specify the AL line command against the table space that you want to alter:
    ADB21S in                  DD1A Table Spaces                Row 1 to 12 of 336 
    Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE 
                                                                         More:    >
    Commands: GRANT  MIG  DIS  STA  STO  ALL  CT  DROP  MOVETB                     
    Line commands:                                                                 
     T - Tables  D - Database  A - Auth  G - Storage group  ICS - Image copy status
     DIS - Display table space  STA - Start table space  STO - Stop table space    
     ? - Show all line commands                                                    
    Select Name     DB Name   Parts Bpool  L E S I C  Tbls   Act pages  Segsz T L O
           *        *             * *      * * * * *     *           *      * * * *
    ------ -------- -------- ------ ------ - - - - - ----- ----------- ------ - - -
    AL     DSN8SD1E DSN8DD1A      5 BP0    P N A N N     1         476     32 R Y Y
  4. On the Alter Table Space (ADB21SA) panel, change any table space or partition attributes, and press Enter.

    For partitioned table spaces, a detail line is displayed for each partition. You can alter any partition by updating an attribute, such as FP. To apply the same change to all partitions within the table space, provide a value on the All Part row.

    Start of change
    ADB21SA n -------------------- DD1A Alter Table Space -------- Row 1 to 5 of 5 
    Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE 
    Line commands:                                                                 
     D - Display Database   I - Interpret                                          
    ALTER TABLESPACE : DSN8DD1A.DSN8SD1E      (PBR - Partition by Range)           
    Buffer Pool  . . . . BP0        Close Rule  . . . NO  Max Rows  . . 255        
    Lock Size  . . . . . PAGE       Lock Part . . . . NO  Lock Max  . . SYSTEM     
    Max Partitions . . .            LOG . . . . . . . YES Insert Algo . 0          
    SEGSIZE  . . . . . . 32         MEMBER CLUSTER  . NO  PAGENUM . . .            
                                             E T S                                 
    S   Part     Pqty    Sqty  FP PF PFU Cmp R M T VCAT     Stogroup GBPCach DSSIZE
           *        *       *   *  *   * *   * * * *        *        *       *     
    - ------ <------- <------ --- -- --- --- - - - -------- -------> ------- ------
    All Part       -1      -1   0  5   0 YES N Y I DD1A     DSN8GD10 CHANGED       
           1       -1      -1   0  5   0 YES N Y I DD1A     DSN8GD10 CHANGED       
           2       -1      -1   0  5   0 YES N Y I DD1A     DSN8GD10 CHANGED       
           3       -1      -1   0  5   0 NO  N Y I DD1A     DSN8GD10 CHANGED       
           4       -1      -1   0  5   0 YES N Y I DD1A     DSN8GD10 CHANGED       
           5       -1      -1   0  5   0 YES N Y I DD1A     DSN8GD10 CHANGED       
    End of change

    If the statement execution prompt is not enabled, an SQL ALTER TABLESPACE statement is executed with the parameters that you specified. If the Statement Execution Prompt (ADB2PSTM) panel is displayed, follow the instructions on that panel to complete and run the SQL statement to alter the table space.

    For changes to some parameters, such as PAGENUM, these changes are not immediately materialized; they are pending. You must reorganize the object for the change to take affect. For more information about which changes are pending, see Pending data definition changes (Db2 13 for z/OS).

    For other parameter changes, you must stop and restart the associated object. In these cases, Db2 Admin Tool issues a STOP DATABASE command for the table space, index, or partition. If the object is stopped, Db2 Admin Tool executes the ALTER TABLESPACE statement with the parameters that you specified and then a START DATABASE command to restart the stopped object. If the object is not in a fully-stopped state after Db2 Admin Tool issued the STOP DATABASE command, the STOP Check - Action panel prompts you to for the action to take:

    DB2 ADMIN ------------------- DD1A STOP Check - Action ----- Row 1 to 11 of 15  
    Option ===>                                                   Scroll ===> PAGE  
    Object is not in a fully-stopped state (STATUS field has STOP), and must be in  
    order for the pending actions to be successful.  The current USE information is 
    displayed below.                                                                
    What do you want to do now:                                                     
    1 - Re-check and continue if in STOP state. Re-display USE if not               
    2 - Perform any pending actions, regardless of the object's state               
    3 - Exit and do not perform any pending actions                                 
    DSNT360I  @ ***********************************                                 
    DSNT361I  @ *  DISPLAY DATABASE SUMMARY                                         
                *    GLOBAL USE                                                     
    DSNT360I  @ ***********************************                                 
    DSNT362I  @     DATABASE = DSN8D81A  STATUS = RW                                
                    DBD LENGTH = 16142                                              
    DSNT397I  @                                                                     
    NAME     TYPE PART STATUS             CONNID   CORRID       USERID              
    -------- ---- ---- ------------------ -------- ------------ --------            
    DSN8S81D TS        STOPP              TSO      SYSADM       SYSADM              
        -                  MEMBER NAME V81A                                         
    ******* DISPLAY OF DATABASE DSN8D81A ENDED      **********************          
    ******************************* Bottom of data ********************************

    If an object is not stopped when the ALTER TABLESPACE statement runs, such as when others are holding locks on the object, a -626 SQL code is returned.

Altering a table space by using the ALT command


To alter a table space by using the ALT command:

  1. On the DB2 Administration Menu (ADB2) panel, specify option 1, and press Enter.
  2. On the System Catalog (ADB21) panel, enter any selection criteria at the bottom, specify option S, and press Enter.
  3. On the Table Spaces (ADB21S) panel, enter the ALT line command against the table space that you want to redefine, and press Enter:
    ADB21S in ------------------ DB2X Table Spaces --------------- Row 1 to 5 of 5 
    Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR  
    Commands: GRANT  MIG  DIS  STA  STO  ALL      DROP  MOVETB   
    Line commands:                                                                 
     T - Tables  D - Database  A - Auth  G - Storage group  ICS - Image copy status
     DIS - Display table space  STA - Start table space  STO - Stop table space    
     ? - Show all line commands                                                    
    Select Name     DB Name   Parts Bpool  L E S I C  Tbls   Act pages  Segsz T L O
           *        *             * *      * * * * *     *           *      * * * *
    ------ -------- -------- ------ ------ - - - - - ----- ----------- ------ - - -
    ALT    TSFGR    DBFGR         0 BP0    A N A N Y     1           0      4   Y 
           TSFGRPBR DBFGR         3 BP0    A N C N Y     1           0      4 R Y 
           TSFGRRO1 DBFGRRO1      3 BP0    A N A N Y     1           0     64 R Y 
           TSFGRRO2 DBFGRRO2      3 BP0    A N A N Y     1           0     64 R Y 
           TSFGRROO DBFGRROO      2 BP0    A N T N Y     0           0     64 R Y 
  4. If the Change Management Prompt (ADB2CMRO) panel is displayed, specify whether you want to use Change Management, and press Enter.
  5. On the Redefine Table Space (ADB21SAR) panel, change the table space parameters as needed and enter NEXT on the command line.
    • If you want to add or insert a partition, change the NUMPARTS value and issue the NEXT command. Then on the Alter Partitioned Table (ADB21TAV) panel, use the INS line command to insert any partitions and specify the limit key values.
    • If you want to change the table space type to partition-by-growth (PBG), use the MAKEPBG command.
    • If you want to change the table space type to partition-by-range (PBR), use the MAKEPBR2 command or the MAKEPBR command. (MAKEPBR2 specifies relative page numbering; MAKEPBR specifies absolute page numbering.) On the subsequent Alter Table (ADB21TAP) panel, you can specify the partitioning key.
    • Start of changeIf you want to convert a PBG table space to a PBR table space by using an ALTER statement in Db2® 13, use the MAKEPBR2 command and ensure that the high limit key for the last partition is MAXVALUE (for ascending columns) or MINVALUE (for descending columns). End of change
    Start of change
    ADB21SAR  ------------------ DB2X Redefine Table Space ------- Row 1 to 1 of 1 
    Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR  
    Commands: NEXT  ORIGINAL                   MAKEPBG  MAKEPBR  MAKEPBR2       
    Line commands: S - Split part   R - Remove part  O - Original data             
                   C - Clear data                    ? - Show all line commands                              
    Owner . . . . . . . RIVERAG   > Owner type  . . _ (U/R)
    Numparts  . . . . . 0                                 LOB . . . . . NO         
                                                          LOG . . . . . YES        
    Member Cluster  . . NO          SEGSIZE . . . . 4     CCSID . . . . EBCDIC     
    Buffer Pool . . . . BP0         Close Rule  . . YES   Max Rows  . . 255        
    Lock Size . . . . . ANY         Lock Part . . . NO    Lock Max  . . SYSTEM     
    Max Partitions  . . 0           PAGENUM . . . .       Insert Algo . 0    
                                            C E T S                                 
     S   Part       Pqty    Sqty  FP PF PFU O R M T VCAT     Stogroup GBPCach DSSIZE
     - ------ ---------- ------- --- -- --- - - - - -------- -------> ------- ------ 
           0       -1       -1    0  5      N N Y I DSNC     SYSDEFLT CHANGED
    End of change

    If you are converting a segmented table space to a partitioned table space, the Alter tablespace - Partitioning methods (ADB2CONF) panel is displayed where you can select the partitioning method:

    ADB2CONF  -- DB2X Alter tablespace - Partitioning methods --------- 19:28
     Please choose partitioning method for the table space to be altered.     
     Select a choice                                                          
       1.  Use table-controlled partitioning (recommended)                    
       2.  Use index-controlled partitioning                                  
    Recommendation: Use table-controlled partitioning.

    If you select option 1, the Alter Table (ADB21TA) panel is displayed. Specify the partitioning key for defining the table partitions.

    If the ALT - Index-controlled Partitioning (ADB21XAP) panel is displayed, you can re-define an existing non-partitioning index to a partitioning index. If the Create Partitioning Index (ADB21SAX) panel is displayed, you can create a partitioning index.

  6. Generate an ALT job.


The following topics show specific examples of altering table spaces: