Start of change

ADB5703E IFF statement is missing. Unable to deobfuscate IFF data.


The work statement list (WSL) is missing a required IFF statement, which contains data that is needed to implement this change.

System action

Processing stops.

User response

Generate the WSL again.

Alternatively, if the IFF data is in a separate IFF file, you can edit the WSL. Remove the embedded IFF file from the WSL (the lines that begin with --#ADMIN UNPACK IFF and end with --#ADMIN UNPACK END ) and add the following statement after the UNLOAD statement and before the RUN PROGRAM(ADB27AC) statement:

ALLOC DD(INTFIN) DS(iff_dataset_name) SHR REUSE

where iff_dataset_name is the name of the data set that contains the IFF file.

End of change