ADB1958W The option GETDB2ZP='N' is specified; therefore GEN cannot call the DB2 stored procedure ADMIN_INFO_SYSPARM and get the DB2 system parameter (DSNZPARM) values. The following DSNZPARM values will be used when removing DDL default values and generating ADMIN ALTER IMPLICIT statements: TBSBPOOL=BPP0; TBSBP8K=BP8K0; TBSBP16K=BP16K0; TBSBP32K=BP32K; TBSBPLOB=BP0;TBSBPXML=BP16K0; IDXBPOOL=BP0; WLMENV=''; PADIX=NO; IMPTSCMP=NO; LOB_INLINE_LENGTH=0; IMPTSCMP = NO; MAX_UTIL_PARTS=''; RRF=TRUE.


The GEN function of Db2 Admin Tool is to use the listed default values for Db2 subsystem parameters, because it cannot get those values from Db2 (in the Db2 DSNZPARM initialization parameter module). These DSNZPARM values are needed by GEN to remove DDL default values and to generate ADMIN ALTER IMPLICIT statements.

System action

Processing continues.

User response

You need to take action only if you want GEN to use the Db2 subsystem parameter values instead of the default values. In this case, on the Admin Defaults (ADB2P2) panel, specify YES in the Get DB2 ZPARM field.