Displaying masks in the Change Management database

You can view a list of the mask table entries that are already defined in the Change Management database.


  1. On the DB2 Administration Menu (ADB2) panel, specify option CM, and press Enter.
  2. On the Change Management (CM) (ADB2C) panel, specify option 2, and press Enter.
  3. Optional: At the bottom of the Manage Masks (ADB2C2) panel, specify search criteria to filter the masks that you want to view:
    DB2 Admin ------------------- CM - Manage Masks   ----------------------- 18:03
    Option ===>                                                                    
       1 - Display masks                                     DB2 System: DD1A      
       2 - Create a mask                                     DB2 SQL ID: ADM001     
    Enter display selection criteria (Using a LIKE operator, criteria not saved):  
    Name . . . . . . .                    >  Created by . .          >             
    Owner  . . . . . .          >            Altered by . .          >             
    Created within . .                       Mask ID  . . .                        
    Altered within . .                                                             
  4. Specify option 1, and press Enter.

    The list of mask sets that are defined in Change Management are displayed on the Masks (ADB2C21) panel.

    DB2 Admin ------------------- CM - Masks ------------------- Row 1 to 10 of 10 
    Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE 
    Line commands:                                                                 
     U - Update  DEL - Delete  INS - Insert  ML - Mask lines  CH - Changes         
     E - Edit  I - Details on mask                                                 
    Sel          ID Owner    Name               Comment                            
                  * *        *                  *                                  
    --- ----------- -------- ------------------ ---------------------------------- 
                 14 JOHNSON  DEVHRMASK          MASK FOR HR APPLICATION            
                 21 TONELLO  MYFIRSTMASK                                           
                 41 MYID     MYMASK             MY MASK IN CM                      
                 42 MYID     MYMASK1            ANOTHER NEW MASK                   
                 43 MYID     MYMASK2                                               
                 45 MYID     MYMASK3                                               
                 47 MYID     MYMASK4                                               
    ******************************* END OF DB2 DATA *******************************

    Masks that are defined in data sets outside of Change Management are not displayed, because they are not stored in the Change Management database. However, those masks are still available to use in other Db2 Admin Tool functions.

    To view the mask definitions for a particular mask table entry, use the ML line command. You can use the other line commands to view information about the mask table entries, edit them, and define new masks.