Displaying views of functions

This procedure explains how to display views of functions on SYSIBM.SYSROUTINES.


  1. On the DB2 Administration Menu (ADB2) panel, specify Z, and press Enter.
    The System Administration (ADB2Z) panel is displayed.
  2. Specify option FM, and press Enter.
    The Manage Functions panel is displayed, as shown in the following figure.
    Figure 1. Manage Functions panel (ADB2ZF)
     DB2 Admin -------------------- DD1A Manage Functions -------------------- 09:53
     Option ===>                                                                    
                                                              DB2 System: DD1A      
        1 - Display/alter functions                           DB2 SQL ID: ADM001    
        2 - Create functions                                                        
        3 - Display function statistics                                             
        4 - Start all functions                                                     
        5 - Stop all functions                                                      
        6 - Create view on SYSIBM.SYSROUTINES                                       
        7 - Display views on SYSIBM.SYSROUTINES                                     
        Catalog table/view for option 1:                                            
          Owner  ===> SYSIBM           (default is SYSIBM)                          
          Name   ===> SYSROUTINES      (default is SYSROUTINES)                     
      User defined functions can also be managed from option 1.F                      
      F1=HELP      F2=SPLIT     F3=END       F4=RETURN    F5=RFIND     F6=RCHANGE   
      F7=UP        F8=DOWN      F9=SWAP     F10=LEFT     F11=RIGHT    F12=RETRIEVE  
  3. Specify option 7, and press Enter.
    The Tables, Views, and Aliases (ADB21T) panel is displayed, as shown in the following figure. This panel displays the views that exist on SYSIBM.SYSROUTINES.
    Figure 2. Tables, Views, and Aliases panel showing views on SYSIBM.SYSROUTINES (ADB21T)
     DB2 Admin ----------- DB2X Tables, Views, and Aliases ----------- ------   
     Commands: GRANT       ALL                                                       
     Line commands:                                                                  
      C - Columns  A - Auth  L - List  X - Indexes  S - Table space  D - Database    
      V - Views  T - Tables  P - Plans  Y - Synonyms  SEL - Select prototyping       
      ? - Show all line commands                                                     
     Sel   Name               Schema   T DB Name  TS Name    Cols        Rows Chks C 
     ----- ------------------ -------- - -------- -------- ------ ----------- ---- - 
           PROCEDURES         ISTJE    V DSNDB06  SYSOBJ       79          -1   0    
           FUNCTIONS          ISTJE    V DSNDB06  SYSOBJ       79          -1   0    

    The panel being displayed is the same panel you get if you use option 1.T and option Z.PM.7.