Adding accelerator-only tables

An accelerator-only table exists only on an accelerator.

Before you begin

Adding an accelerator-only table to an accelerator group or alias requires Db2 12 function level 509 or higher and IBM® Db2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS® (IDAA) 7.5.4 or higher.


To add an accelerator-only table:

  1. On the DB2 Administration Menu (ADB2) panel, specify option 2, and press Enter.
  2. On the Execute SQL Statements (ADB22) panel, specify option 4, and press Enter.
  3. On the Create Table (ADB26CT) panel, specify parameter values, and press Enter.

    For help with the parameters on this panel, see Creating tables.

  4. On the Create Table Columns (ADB26CTF) panel, specify column information and an accelerator:
    ADB26CTF  ------------------ DD1A Create Table Columns ------- Row 1 to 3 of 3 
    Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR  
    Schema  . .          >            Database  . . .                              
    Name  . . . NEWTABLE           >  Table space . .
                                      Accelerator . . ACTESTAS                            
    Commands :  CREATE  PRIMKEY  TBLOPTS  LONGNAMES  PART  HASH                               
    Line commands:   M - Move  A - After  B - Before                               
     Inn - Insert  U - Update  D - Delete  Rnn - Repeat                            
     UM - Update XML modifiers                                                     
    Select Column Name        Col Type  Length Scale  Null D Col No Type           
           *                  *              *      * *    *      * *              
    ------ -----------------> --------- ------ ------ ---- - ------ ---------      
    *      T1                 TIMESTMP      13     11 N    N      1 UPDATE         
    *      T2                 TIMESTZ       15     11 N    N      2 UPDATE         
    *      T3                 TIMESTZ       12      6 N    N      3 UPDATE         
    *      T4                 DATE           4      0 N    N      4 UPDATE         
    *      T5                 INTEGER        4      0 N    N      5 UPDATE         
    *      T6                 DATE           4      0 N    N      6 UPDATE         
    ******************************* END OF DB2 DATA *******************************  
    Tip: In the Accelerator field, use the look up feature (?) to look up an accelerator name or group. The resulting DB2 Accelerators (ADBPZAC) panel lists the available accelerators and groups. The Type column indicates whether the accelerator is real (R), virtual (V), a group (G), or an alias (A). Select one by typing + in the Select column.
  5. Issue the CREATE command, and press Enter.


The CREATE TABLE statement with an IN ACCELERATOR clause is executed and the accelerator-only table is created.