Displaying ignores in the Change Management database

Ignores can be stored either in the Change Management (CM) database or, if you are using them with IBM® Db2 Object Comparison Tool for z/OS®, in a data set.

About this task

This procedure does not apply to ignores that have been created in an explicitly named data set outside of Change Management. For information about how to create, view, and edit ignores in a data set, see Specifying ignores (IBM Db2 Object Comparison Tool for z/OS 13.1.0).


To display ignores in the CM database:

  1. On the DB2 Administration Menu (ADB2) panel, specify option CM, and press Enter.
  2. On the Change Management (CM) (ADB2C) panel, specify option 3, and press Enter.
  3. Optional: At the bottom of the Manage Ignores (ADB2C3) panel, specify search criteria to filter the ignores that you want to display.
  4. On the Manage Ignores (ADB2C3) panel, specify option 1, and press Enter.

    The ignores in the CM database are displayed:

    Figure 1. Ignores (ADB2C31) panel
    ADB2C31 ------------------ CM - Ignores -----------------–  Row 1 to 8 of 33
    Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE
    Line commands:                                                                
     U - Update  DEL - Delete  INS - Insert  IL - Ignore lines  CH - Changes      
     I - Details on ignore  ? - Show all line commands                                                       
    Sel          ID Owner    Name               Comment                           
                  * *        *                  *                                 
    --- ----------- -------> -----------------> ----------------------------------
                  1 J148286  HRIGNORE_BUFFER    IGNORE BUFFERPOOL FOR HR          
                  2 JOHNSON  EMPIGNORE1         TEST IGNORE1 FOR EMP TABLE        
                 21 JOHNSON  EMPIGNORE2         TEST IGNORE2 FOR EMP TABLE        
                 41 J148286  DEVTS              IGNORE PARTITIONING               
                 47 J148286  HRIGNORE_VCAT      IGNORE VCAT FOR HR                
                 48 J148286  DEVSYS1                                              
                 49 KINCAID  TESTSYS1           IGNORE SPACE                      
                 50 KINCAID  TESTSYS2           IGNORE SPACE                      

    On this panel, you can issue line commands to perform the following actions for any listed ignore:

    • See the definition of the ignore and modify it (by using the IL line command)
    • View details about who created the ignore and when and who altered it last (by using the I line command)
    • See which changes use the ignore (by using the CH line command)
    • Insert, delete, or update an ignore (by using the INS, DEL, and U line commands)