Db2 13 FL 504 In Db2 Admin Tool, you can view the utility history
for any database, table space, table, or index.
Before you begin
To view the utility history for an object, you must be running Db2 13 function level 504 or
higher, and UTILITY_HISTORY must be set to OBJECT.
About this task
As an alternative to the following procedure, you can navigate to one of the
following catalog navigation panels and issue the UH (Utility History) line command
against a database, table space, table, or index:
Databases (ADB21D)
Table Spaces
(ADB21S) panel
Tables, Views, and
Aliases (ADB21T) panel (UH is valid
only for tables. UH is not valid for views or aliases.)
Indexes (ADB21X)
As a result, the Utility History
(ADB2Z2H1) panel displays
the utility history for that object, with the latest executions displayed first.
To view utility history for an object:
On the DB2 Administration Menu
(ADB2) panel, specify
option Z, and press Enter.
On the System Administration
(ADB2Z) panel, specify option
2H, and press Enter.
On the Display Utility History
(ADB2Z2H) panel,
specify option 1 and the object information in one or
more of the following fields:
Includes obj type
Database LIKE
Space name LIKE
For example, if you want to view the utility history for table space TS1 for
utilities that were started within the last 7 days, specify the following
Figure 1. Display Utility History
(ADB2Z2H) panel
ADB2Z2H n DD1A Display Utility History 15:15
Option ===> 1
More: +
Enter option and optional criteria: UTILITY_HISTORY zparm:OBJECT
1 - Display utility history rows
Utility . . . . . . (RUNSTATS, REORG, ? to lookup))
Event Id . . . . .
Inserted by . . . . (DB2 or other product name)
Userid . . . . . .
Jobname . . . . . .
Utility ID . . . .
Return code >= . .
Status . . . . . . (A-Active, E-Ended, T-Term., F-Forced)
Start time within . 7 DAYS (e.g. n DAYS or n MONTHS)
Age >= . . . . . . (e.g. n DAYS or n MONTHS)
CPU time >= . . . . (in msecs)
Elapsed time >= . . (in msecs)
Active at . . . . . (timestamp)
Includes obj type . T (T-Tablespace I-Index)
Database LIKE .
Space name LIKE . TS1
2 - Delete Utility history rows
Status . . . . . . (E-Ended, T-Terminated, F-Forced)
Age >= . . . . . . (e.g. n DAYS or n MONTHS)
Predefined queries:
3 - Show top 25 completed utilities with longest CPU time 3O - top 25 objs
4 - Show top 25 completed utilities with longest elapsed time
5 - Show all utilities group by utility/ 5D - date 5J - jobname 5U - userid
6 - Show top 25 active utilites with longest elapsed time
7 - Show top 25 utilities with return code >= 8
Start time within . (e.g. n DAYS or n MONTHS)
Create own query:
8 - Use the SELECT prototype on SYSUTILITIES
Display exceptions:
9 - Show utilities that differs from the average
Start time within . (e.g. n DAYS or n MONTHS)
CPU time >= . . . . (in msecs, default 1000)
Std deviations . . (1-9, default 3)
Press Enter.
The Utility History
(ADB2Z2H1) panel displays
the qualifying utility events that have processed that object or objects, as
listed in the SYSUTILITIES catalog table:Figure 2. Utility History
(ADB2Z2H1) panel
ADB2Z2H1 XC1B Utility History Row 1 to 13 of 182
Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE
More: >
Commands: REFRESH
Line commands: ICS - Show SYSCOPY DIS - Display utility TER - Terminate util
DEL - Delete row I - Interpret S - Show objects
? - Show all line commands
Ret S R
Sel Event Id Utility Userid Util Id Jobname Start Timestamp Code T S
* * * * * * * * *
--- <--------- -------> -------- -------> -------- ------------------> <--- - -
495674 COPY TSALAUSR AUDITCOP TE10134N 2023-10-15-12.32.11 0 E N
495675 COPY TSALAUSR AUDITCOP TE10134N 2023-10-15-12.32.11 0 E N
495676 QUIESCE TSALAUSR QUIESCE TE10134N 2023-10-15-12.32.21 0 E N
495677 QUIESCE TSALAUSR QUIESCE TE10134N 2023-10-15-12.32.21 0 E N
495726 LOAD TSALAUSR L10936 TE10936 2023-10-15-12.48.07 0 E N
495727 COPY TSALAUSR TC10936 TE10936 2023-10-15-12.48.11 0 E N
495728 REBUILD TSALAUSR TSALAUSR TC10936 2023-10-15-12.48.24 0 E N
495729 COPY TSALAUSR TC10936 TC10936 2023-10-15-12.48.25 0 E N
495733 COPY TSALAUSR AUDITCOP TE10134I 2023-10-15-12.56.21 0 E N
495734 REORG TSALAUSR TSALAUS. TE10134I 2023-10-15-12.56.29 4 E N
495735 MODIFY R TSALAUSR TE10134I TE10134I 2023-10-15-12.56.30 4 E N
495736 COPY TSALAUSR AUDITCOP TE10134I 2023-10-15-12.56.30 0 E N
495737 COPY TSALAUSR AUDITCOP TE10134I 2023-10-15-12.56.30 0 E N