Db2 13 FL 504 In Db2 Admin Tool, you can view the utility history
for any database, table space, table, or index.
Before you begin
To view the utility history for an object, you must be running Db2 13 function level 504 or
higher, and UTILITY_HISTORY must be set to OBJECT.
About this task
As an alternative to the following procedure, you can navigate to one of the
following catalog navigation panels and issue the UH (Utility History) line command
against a database, table space, table, or index:
Databases (ADB21D) panel
Table Spaces (ADB21S)
Tables, Views, and Aliases
(ADB21T) panel (UH is valid
only for tables. UH is not valid for views or aliases.)
Indexes (ADBADB25C21X)
As a result, the Utility History (ADB2Z2H1)
panel displays
the utility history for that object, with the latest executions displayed first.
To view utility history for an object:
On the DB2 Administration Menu (ADB2)
panel, specify
option Z, and press Enter.
On the System Administration (ADB2Z)
panel, specify option
2H, and press Enter.
On the Display Utility History
(ADB2Z2H) panel,
specify option 1 and the object information in one or
more of the following fields:
Includes obj type
Database LIKE
Space name LIKE
For example, if you want to view the utility history for table space TS1 for
utilities that were started within the last 7 days, specify the following
Press Enter.
The Utility History (ADB2Z2H1)
panel displays
the qualifying utility events that have processed that object or objects, as
listed in the SYSUTILITIES catalog table: