Types of changes and change status

To facilitate change management, Db2 Admin Tool categorizes changes into several types and assigns a status to each change as it moves through the change management process.

The type is assigned when a change is registered. The following table describes the types of changes:
Table 1. Types of changes
Type of change Description
CHANGE A change that is defined through the usual change functions in Db2 Admin Tool and Db2 Object Comparison Tool (such as ALT and compare) and then goes through the Change Management process of being analyzed and run.
MULTI-TC A change that is generated on a central system for the purpose of importing it to multiple target systems. On target systems, the changes that are registered are then analyzed and run to apply the changes to the target catalog.
FAST A change that is run immediately. If no pending changes exist, the fast change is called an immediate change. If pending changes exist for the object or related objects that are affected by the fast change, the fast change is called an emergency change, and it supersedes the pending changes. The pending changes are placed in DEFINED status.

Because fast changes are run immediately upon registration, you cannot analyze or run them manually. You also cannot modify fast changes, recover them, or promote them to other systems.

COMPARE A change that is generated by comparing two items, such as two base versions, two DDL files, two catalog objects, or a DDL file and a catalog object.
PROMOTE A change that is generated by importing statements from a data set or a changes file.
RECOVER A change that was automatically generated to back out another change. When you analyze a change, you have the option of having a recover change created. Db2 Admin Tool generates a recover change, assigns a change ID to the recover change, and puts the recover change in ANALYZED status.

To recover a change, issue the RC line command for the original change. Do not issue the RN line command for the recover change.

The status of a change is updated when actions are taken on the change. The following table describes the possible values for the status:
Table 2. Status of changes
Status Description
INITIAL The change was created, but its registration in the Change Management database is incomplete.

You can try to register the change by issuing the restart line command (RST) on the CM - Changes (ADB2C11) panel. In this case however, Db2 Admin Tool cannot detect and process any prerequisite changes that might exist. You must identify any prerequisite changes yourself and reanalyze any change in ANALYZED status to ensure its validity.

DEFINED The change was created and registered in the Change Management database. The change is ready to be analyzed.
ANALYZED The change was validated and a WSL to run the change was generated. The change is ready to be run.
RUNNING The change is currently running. A RUNNING status that does not change to COMPLETE status indicates that the job to run the change failed at some point.
COMPLETE The change ran successfully.
CANCELED The change was canceled.
FAILED The change is a fast change that was run immediately but did not complete successfully.