Displaying target groups

A target group is an optional entity that represents a set of target environments. You create a group name and select the targets that comprise the group. You can create or display target groups.

About this task

A target can be defined in one or more groups. Groups can be redefined as needed.

To display target groups:


  1. Specify option CM, Change Management on the DB2 Administration Menu (ADB2) panel.
  2. Specify option 9, Manage targets on the Change Management panel.
  3. Specify option 2, Display target groups, on the CM - Manage Targets panel.
    If no target groups exist, panel ADBPC921 is displayed, allowing you to insert a group. If a target group exists, panel ADBPC92 is displayed, as shown in the following figure:
    Figure 1. Manage Targets panel (ADBPC92)
    ADBPC92 DTEST ------------------- CM - Target Groups -------------- Row 1 of 2 
    Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE 
    Line commands:                                                                 
     INS - Insert  T - Targets  ? - Show all line commands                                       
    Sel Group Name                                       Targets                   
        *                                                      *                   
    --- -------------------------------------------- -----------                   
        PROD                                                   1                   
        TEST                                                   2                   
    ******************************* END OF DB2 DATA *******************************
  4. Select one of the following line commands to work with the target group.
    • Selecting the INS line command displays panel ADBPC921, as shown in the following figure:
      Figure 2. Insert a Group panel (ADBPC921)
      ADBPC921 DTEST ------------ CM - Insert a Group ------------------------- 08:27
      Command ===>                                                                   
      Group name . .                                                > (? to lookup)  
      Target name  .                                                > (? to lookup)  

      This panel allows you to insert a target group and target location entry. Enter the Group name to indicate the name of the target group, and the Target name to indicate the target name to include in the group.

    • Selecting the T command displays panel ADBPC92T, as shown in the following figure:
      Figure 3. Targets in a Group panel (ADBPC92T)
      ADBPC92T  -------------------- CM - Targets in a Group ------------ Row 1 of 1 
      Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE 
      Line commands:                                                                 
       A - Add target  R - Remove target  S - Show target  ? - Show all line commands                            
      Sel Target Name                         Group Name                             
          *                                   *                                      
      --- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
          DSNA                                PRODUCTION                             
      ******************************* END OF DB2 DATA *******************************

      The S line command displays panel ADBPC91. The R line command removes the target from the group. If it is the last target in the group, the group is removed.