Work data sets used by the ALT (Alter Redefine) function

When you redefine table spaces (or indexes) by using the ALT command, the Db2 Admin Tool redefine function creates and uses one or more data sets.

The following table shows the data sets that are created and used by the redefine function.

Table 1. Work data sets that are used by the redefine function
Default data set name Description Template keyword
prefix.worklist.CREBIND Rebind statements RDBIND
prefix.worklist.DDL DDL extracted from the catalog RDSQL
prefix.worklist.DDDL DDL to drop the original object RDDROP
prefix.worklist.DDL.MOD Modified DDL with the new table space or index statements or both None1
prefix.worklist.CNTL.database. tablespace.PT SYSPUNCH data set that is produced by the unload step PUNCHDDN
prefix.worklist.UNLD.database. tablespace.PT SYSREC data set that is produced by the unload step UNLDDN

where Tnnnn is a string assigned to the data set, with nnnn beginning with 1

SYSPUNCH data set that is produced by the unload step when using High Performance Unload (HPU) RDLOAD

where Tnnnn is a string assigned to the data set, with nnnn beginning with 1

SYSREC data set that is produced by the unload step when using High Performance Unload (HPU) RDUNLD
prefix.worklist.UTRELD LOAD utility statements when building a WSL RDUTRELD
prefix.worklist.UTCHK CHECK utility statements when building a WSL RDUTCHK
prefix.worklist.UTRUNS RUNSTATS utility statements when building a WSL RDUTRUNS
prefix.worklist.UTCOPY COPY utility statements when building a WSL RDUTCOPY
prefix.worklist.UTUNLD REORG and REBUILD utility statements when building a WSL RDUTUNLD
prefix.worklist.WDD File names to include when building a WSL RDWDD
  1. The data set name is derived from the data set pattern that is specified for RDSQL. The data set name for RDSQL cannot be greater than 40 bytes.