Restarting an ADBTEP2 job

When ADBTEP2 runs, it checks to see if a record exists within the checkpoint table that matches the worklist parameter for the user ID that submitted the job.

If a record does not exist, ADBTEP2 creates it and starts with the first statement in the batch statement list. If a record exists, ADBTEP2 proceeds based on the RESTART parameter. When RESTART(NO) is specified, ADBTEP2 starts with the first statement in the batch statement list. When either no RESTART parameter is provided or RESTART(YES) is specified, ADBTEP2 repositions itself within the batch statement list and resumes processing.

ADBTEP2 has a simple restart capability. When the failing statement is SQL, a restart occurs at the last commit point prior to the failing SQL statement, which can be either an SQL COMMIT statement or an implicit commit that is performed while successfully completing a non-SQL function, such as a Db2 command.

Tip: It is important to avoid causing ADBTEP2 to reposition incorrectly when editing the batch statement list between runs. If the only change you require is to skip to the next commit instruction, use the N (skip-next) line command instead of editing the input to ADBTEP2. For an example of using the N (skip-next) line command, see the following figure.

If the failing statement is not an SQL statement, ADBTEP2 repositions to this statement. It is possible, although not likely, for the job to fail after executing non-SQL statements and before ADBTEP2 can update and commit the checkpoint record. In this case, ADBTEP2 positions on this non-SQL statement. Non-SQL statements cannot be rolled back if a failure occurs during ADBTEP2 checkpoint/commit. If you determine that the non-SQL statement completed, you can instruct ADBTEP2 to skip this statement on restart by using the N (skip-next) line command. ADBTEP2 reports the successful implicit commits that it performs before and after non-SQL statements. You can also determine whether ADBTEP2 failed on non-SQL statements by viewing the checkpoint record: the Restart Command field is blank if an SQL COMMIT was the last commit or if the last commit was an implicit commit as a result of completing a non-SQL statement. If the last commit was an implicit commit ahead of non-SQL statements, the Restart Command field is set to the type of non-SQL statement (for example, -STA).

If ADBTEP2 determines that a utility was running at the time of failure, ADBTEP2 obtains information from Db2 (if the utility is known to Db2) and restarts accordingly.

The following figure illustrates the checkpoint for the job with worklist DOC1. Because the Restart Command field is blank, we can determine that the last instruction performed was either an SQL COMMIT or a non-SQL statement that completed with an implicit commit. If we issue an N (skip-next) line command, Figure 2 is displayed. The checkpoint number has been increased by one.

Figure 1. Display Batch Job Checkpoint Table panel (ADB2Z2B1) – using the Skip-Next line command
 DB2 Admin ---------- DD1A Display Batch Job Checkpoint Table - Row 1 to 4 of 4 
 Command ===>                                                                   
                                                          DB2 System: DD1A      
                                                          DB2 SQL ID: ADM001     
 Checkpoint Table:  ADBD10.ADBCHKPT                                           
 Line commands:                                                                 
  D - Delete/Terminate  I - Insert  U - Update  N - Skip-Next                   
                                               Commit      Restart     Restart  
 S Userid   Worklist Suffix   Time             Number      Command     Action   
   *        *        *        *                            *           *        
 - -------- -------- -------- ---------------> ----------- ----------- ------   
 n ROYC     DOC1              2002-07-18-16.06           4                      
   VNDBRON  RI03              2002-07-10-16.19           2                      
   VNDOJFK  OBJCMP            2002-06-26-16.54           1                      
   VNDROTH  AAA               2002-06-26-07.36           1 COPY        C        
 ******************************* END OF DB2 DATA *******************************                             
Figure 2. Display Batch Job Checkpoint Table panel (ADB2Z2B1) – result of the Skip-Next line command
 DB2 Admin ---------- DD1A Display Batch Job Checkpoint Table - Row 1 to 4 of 4 
 Command ===>                                                                   
                                                          DB2 System: DD1A      
                                                          DB2 SQL ID: ADM001     
 Checkpoint Table:  .ADBCHKPT                                           
 Line commands:                                                                 
  D - Delete/Terminate  I - Insert  U - Update  N - Skip-Next                   
                                               Commit      Restart     Restart  
 S Userid   Worklist Suffix   Time             Number      Command     Action   
   *        *        *        *                            *           *        
 - -------- -------- -------- ---------------- ----------- ----------- ------   
   ROYC     DOC1              2002-07-18-16.06           5 UNKNOWN     N        
   VNDBRON  RI03              2002-07-10-16.19           2                      
   VNDOJFK  OBJCMP            2002-06-26-16.54           1                      
   VNDROTH  AAA               2002-06-26-07.36           1 COPY        C        
 ******************************* END OF DB2 DATA *******************************                             

In Figure 3, DOC2 has a Restart Command value that indicates that a COPY statement failed. The value in the Restart Action field determines the action to occur when ADBTEP2 repositions. For utilities, the value can be:

Restart current (ADBTEP2 default)
Restart phase
Restart from the beginning of the utility
Skip running the utility

The value in the Restart Action field can also be 'H', which indicates that the ADBHOLD table contains failed DSN commands. These failed DSN commands can be reprocessed when the job is restarted with RESTART(YES).

The U line command (Update) on this panel can be used to change the restart option for utilities. For example, you can change the C to an R. For non-SQL statements, only the options S (skip) and R (rerun or reissue) are valid.

Figure 4 shows the result of using the N (skip-next) line command against DOC2. The restart command is now S and the commit number has not been increased. The Restart Command still displays the original type of the failing command, in this case COPY, as opposed to Figure 2, which shows the command as UNKNOWN.

Figure 3. Display Batch Job Checkpoint Table panel (ADB2Z2B1) – reissuing the Skip-Next line command
DB2 Admin ---------- DD1A Display Batch Job Checkpoint Table - Row 1 to 4 of 4 
Command ===>                                                                   
                                                         DB2 System: DD1A      
                                                         DB2 SQL ID: ADM001     
Checkpoint Table:  .ADBCHKPT                                           
Line commands:                                                                 
 D - Delete/Terminate  I - Insert  U - Update  N - Skip-Next                   
                                              Commit      Restart     Restart  
S Userid   Worklist Suffix   Time             Number      Command     Action   
  *        *        *        *                            *           *        
- -------- -------- -------- ---------------- ----------- ----------- ------   
n ROYC     DOC2              2002-07-18-16.16           5 COPY        C        
  VNDBRON  RI03              2002-07-10-16.19           2                      
  VNDOJFK  OBJCMP            2002-06-26-16.54           1                      
  VNDROTH  AAA               2002-06-26-07.36           1 COPY        C        
******************************* END OF DB2 DATA *******************************
Figure 4. Display Batch Job Checkpoint Table panel (ADB2Z2B1) – result of reissuing the Skip-Next line command
DB2 Admin ---------- DD1A Display Batch Job Checkpoint Table - Row 1 to 4 of 4 
Command ===>                                                                   
                                                         DB2 System: DD1A      
                                                         DB2 SQL ID: ADM001     
Checkpoint Table:  .ADBCHKPT                                           
Line commands:                                                                 
 D - Delete/Terminate  I - Insert  U - Update  N - Skip-Next                   
                                              Commit      Restart     Restart  
S Userid   Worklist Suffix   Time             Number      Command     Action   
  *        *        *        *                            *           *        
- -------- -------- -------- ---------------- ----------- ----------- ------   
  ROYC     DOC2              2002-07-18-16.16           5 COPY        S        
  VNDBRON  RI03              2002-07-10-16.19           2                      
  VNDOJFK  OBJCMP            2002-06-26-16.54           1                      
  VNDROTH  AAA               2002-06-26-07.36           1 COPY        C        
******************************* END OF DB2 DATA *******************************