Specifying naming conventions
You can set up Db2 Admin Tool to use your local naming conventions for items such as data sets, utility IDs (UIDs), and plan names. The default settings are provided in skeleton ADB2UCUU. Update skeleton member SADBSLIB(ADB2UCUS) to override any of the variable default settings in SADBSLIB(ADB2UCUU) to site-specific standards. Do not update SADBSLIB(ADB2UCUU).
Review SADBSLIB(ADB2UCUU) and use skeleton member SADBSLIB(ADB2UCUS) to override any variable default settings to site-specific standards. Over 250 variable settings are provided. Each variable setting is documented in member ADB2UCUU. For example, you can set the default plan name for sample programs DSNTIAD and DSNTIAUL.
To customize these values, modify the ADBU002 usermod, which resides in the SADBSAMP library. Copy the desired lines from the ADB2UCUU skeleton to the ADBU002 usermod and modify as needed. All customization in skeleton ADB2UCUS should be done after it imbeds skeleton ADB2UCUU, unless otherwise noted.
When you subsequently run SMP/E to receive and apply SMP/E usermod ADBU002, the updated ISPF JCL skeletons are added to the SADBSLIB library.
The following list includes some of the variables that you can use in the specified naming conventions. For a complete list of variables, see skeleton member ADB2UCUT.
- Variable:
- Description:
- Julian date (YYDDD)
- Julian day (DDD)
- 4-digit year (YYYY)
- Gregorian date (YYMMDD)
- Numeric month (MM)
- Day (DD)
- 2-digit year (YY)
- 3-character month (XXX)
- Time (HHMMSS)
- Time with tenths of seconds (HHMMSST)
- Time without seconds (HHMM)
- Hour (HH)
- Minute (MM)
- Seconds (SS)
All lines that might require tailoring are preceded by SET statements (indicated by
Example: This example demonstrates several different types of data set naming changes using the variable ASYCPY1:
The variable ASYCPY1 is shipped as:
To change the high-level qualifier from the current TSO PREFIX to MYHLQ
To change the second-level qualifier from the Db2 subsystem ID to TEST
To insert a high-level qualifier of MYHLQ
in front of
the current TSO PREFIX and to remove the Db2 database name, specify:
To use sequential data sets rather than a GDG data set, specify a data set name that contains date and time values to generate unique data set names:
Example: This example demonstrates several different types of utility ID (UID) naming changes using the variables PREFXUID, LOADUID, and UNLODUID.
The variables PREFXUID, LOADUID, and UNLODUID are included as:
To change the LOAD and UNLOAD UIDs such that they contain the TSO user ID, a time stamp, and a utility type identifier, specify:
This specification sets the value of LOADUID to &ZUSER.&ATIME.LD
. So, if the user ID is 'JOE' and the JCL for the LOAD utility is
generated at time '095344', the UID in the JCL for the LOAD utility is set to 'JOE095344LD'.
The maximum size of &ZUSER is 8 bytes, the size of &ATIME (HHMMSS) is 6 bytes, and the size of the literal is 2 bytes. The total maximum size is 16 bytes, which is the maximum UID size.
To change the LOAD and UNLOAD UIDs such that they contain the TSO user ID and a time stamp with tenths of seconds (USERID.HHMMSST), specify:
This specification sets the value of LOADUID and UNLODUID to &ZUSER..&ATIME7
. So, if the user ID is 'JOE' and the JCL for the LOAD utility is
generated at time '0953446', the UID in the JCL for the LOAD utility is set to 'JOE.0953446'.
The maximum size of &ZUSER is 8 bytes, the size of a period is 1 byte, and the size of the &TIME7 (HHMMSST) is 7 bytes. The total maximum size is 16 bytes, which is the maximum UID size.
- When modifying data set names, ensure that data set names do not extend beyond column 71 in the ADB2UCUS data set. Any characters beyond column 71 are truncated.
- Data set names, including the periods, cannot be greater than 44 bytes in length. Ensure that generated data set names are not longer than 44 bytes.
- Utility IDs (UIDs), including the periods, cannot be greater than 16 bytes in length. Ensure that generated UIDs are not longer than 16 bytes.
- Utility ID (UID) customization does not apply to UIDs in work statement lists (WSLs).
For testing purposes, copy the ADB2UCUS skeleton to a private skeleton library and make your changes. This private skeleton library must first be allocated in the ISPSLIB concatenation (using the USERADD parameter of the ADBL CLIST).
After testing is complete, you can use an SMP/E USERMOD to update the Db2 Admin Tool product libraries. A sample SMP/E USERMOD is provided in member ADBU002 in the SADBSAMP library. Instructions for completing this step are provided in sample job ADBU002.