Running queries on indexes not used by any plan or package

Use the performance queries function to view information about and work with indexes that are not used by any plan or package.


  1. On the DB2 Administration Menu (ADB2) panel, specify option 3, and press Enter.
    The DB2 Performance Queries panel is displayed.
  2. Specify option 8, and press Enter.

    The Indexes Not Used By Any Plan or Package (ADB239) panel panel is displayed, as shown in the following figure:

    Figure 1. Indexes Not Used By Any Plan or Package (ADB239) panel
     DB2 Admin -------- DB2X Indexes Not Used by Any Plan or Package - Row 1 of 138 
     Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE 
     The following indexes are not used by any plan or package with static SQL.     
     Consider dropping the index if it is not used in QMF or any other dynamic SQL  
     Commands:       UT - Utilities                                                 
     Line commands:   S - Select      DROP - Drop Index                             
                             Index                       Table                      
     Sel  Index Name         Schema   Table Name         Schema                     
          *                  *        *                  *                          
     ---- ------------------ -------- ------------------ --------                   
          IBMSNAP_CRITSECX   ASN      IBMSNAP_CRITSEC    ASN                        
          IBMSNAP_PRUNCNTLX  ASN      IBMSNAP_PRUNCNTL   ASN                        
          IBMSNAP_REGISTERX  ASN      IBMSNAP_REGISTER   ASN                        
          IBMSNAP_SUBS_COLSX ASN      IBMSNAP_SUBS_COLS  ASN                        
          IBMSNAP_SUBS_EVENX ASN      IBMSNAP_SUBS_EVENT ASN                        
          IBMSNAP_SUBS_MEMBX ASN      IBMSNAP_SUBS_MEMBR ASN                        
          IBMSNAP_SUBS_SETX  ASN      IBMSNAP_SUBS_SET   ASN                        
          IBMSNAP_SUBS_STMTX ASN      IBMSNAP_SUBS_STMTS ASN                        
          IBMSNAP_UOW_IDX    ASN      IBMSNAP_UOW        ASN                        
          XACT1              DSN8810  ACT                DSN8810                    
          XACT2              DSN8810  ACT                DSN8810                    
          XDEPT1             DSN8810  DEPT               DSN8810                    
          XDEPT2             DSN8810  DEPT               DSN8810                    
          XDEPT3             DSN8810  DEPT               DSN8810                    
          XEMP1              DSN8810  EMP                DSN8810                    
          XEMP2              DSN8810  EMP                DSN8810                    
          XEMPPROJACT1       DSN8810  EMPPROJACT         DSN8810                    
          XEMPPROJACT2       DSN8810  EMPPROJACT         DSN8810                    
          XMAP_TBL           DSN8810  MAP_TBL            DSN8810                    
          XPARTS             DSN8810  PARTS              DSN8810                    
          XPROJ1             DSN8810  PROJ               DSN8810                    
          XPROJ2             DSN8810  PROJ               DSN8810                    
          XPROJAC1           DSN8810  PROJACT            DSN8810                    
          XCONA1             DSN8810  TCONA              DSN8810                    
          XDSPTXT1           DSN8810  TDSPTXT            DSN8810                    
          XOPTVAL1           DSN8810  TOPTVAL            DSN8810                     

    The following columns are on this panel:

    Selects an index when you use the S line command.
    Index Name
    The name of the index.
    Index Schema
    The authorization ID of the owner of the index.
    Table Name
    The name of the table on which the index is defined.
    Table Schema
    The authorization ID of the owner of the table.
  3. Optional: Work with the indexes by using the primary commands and line commands.

    Consider dropping indexes that are not used by any plan or package with static SQL if they are not used in QMF or any other dynamic SQL statement.

    The DROP line command enables you to quickly issue a DROP INDEX statement. Entering the DROP line command is equivalent to entering an S line command and a DROP line command in succession.