GEN options

When you generate the SQL for one or more objects by using the GEN function, you can specify a number of options to control the SQL that is generated. These options are available on the Generate SQL from DB2 catalog (ADB2GENB) panel.

The following screen shows an example of this panel when SQL is requested to recreate a database: Start of change
Figure 1. Generate SQL from DB2 catalog (ADB2GENB) panel for a database
ADB2GENB  -------------- DD1A Generate SQL from DB2 catalog ------------- 11:34
Option ===>                                                                    
Generate SQL statements for database DBFSSGEN           DB2 System: DD1A      
                                                        DB2 SQL ID: ADM001   
SQL statement types to be generated from the DB2 catalog:                     
   CREATE DATABASE  . . . . Y (Y,N)   GRANT access ON DATABASE . . Y (Y,N,A,R) 
   CREATE TABLE . . . . . . Y (Y,N)   GRANT access ON TABLE  . . . Y (Y,N,A,R) 
   CREATE VIEW  . . . . . . Y (Y,N,D) GRANT access ON VIEW . . . . Y (Y,N,A,R) 
   CREATE SYNONYM . . . . . Y (Y,N)   LABEL ON . . . . . . . . . . Y (Y,N)     
   CREATE ALIAS . . . . . . Y (Y,N)   COMMENT ON . . . . . . . . . Y (Y,N)     
   CREATE TRIGGER . . . . . Y (Y,N,D,A,R) 
                                      REBIND PLAN/PACKAGE  . . . . Y (Y,N,D)   
   CREATE PERMISSION  . . . Y (Y,N)                                            
 New names/values for generated SQL: (leave blank to use current values)       
   Object schema  . . . . .           > Run SQLID  . . . . . . . .             
   Object grantor . . . . .           >                                        
   Alloc TS size as . . . . DEFINED     (DEFINED, USED, or ALLOC)              
   Database name  . . . . .                                                    
   Storage group for TS . .           > Storage group for IX . . .           > 
   Target DB2 version . . .             (Current DB2 version: 1115)
   Target Function Level. . 500         (Current DB2 FL: 501)            
   Use Masking  . . . . . . NO          (Yes/No)                               
   Use Exclude Spec . . . . NO          (Yes/No)                               
   Target cat qualifier . .           > (Default is SYSIBM)                    
   Generate catalog stats . NO          (Yes,No,Only)                          
     Statistics tables  . . ALL         (All or Select. Default is All)        
   Include DB2 pending chgs NO          (Yes,No,Alter,Only)                    
   PBG NUMPARTS value . . . EXISTING    (Defined, Existing)        
   PBG LOB objects  . . . . COMPUTED    (Computed, Implicit)                
   Generate index cleanup .             (Yes,No,Only)                          
 SQL output data set and execution mode:                                       
   Add to a WSL . . . . . . NO          (Yes/No)                               
   Data set name  . . . . .                                                    
     Data set disposition . OLD         (OLD, SHR, or MOD)                     
   Execution mode . . . . . BATCH       (BATCH or TSO)                         
   Commit statements per  .             (Db, tS, Tb, All, None. Default is All)
   DB2 defaults handling  .             (Keep, or Remove. Default is Keep)     
   Prompt to run SQL  . . . NO          (Yes/No. For TSO mode and no WSL)      
   Include SQL comments . . NO          (Yes/No. For BATCH mode and no WSL)    
 DB2 Command output data set:                                                  
   Data set name  . . . . .                                                    
     Data set disposition . OLD         (OLD, SHR, or MOD)                     
 BP - Change batch job parameters                                              
  G - Change additional parameters           
End of change

This panel contains the following fields:

  • The first set of fields specify whether SQL statements are to be generated for the requested objects and any dependent objects, where applicable. The fields that are displayed depend on the type of object for which you requested SQL:
    Specifies whether CREATE statements are to be generated for all of the explicitly requested databases.

    When you also request to generate storage groups, statements are generated for the default storage group.

    Specifies whether CREATE statements are to be generated for all of the table spaces that are identified during processing, which includes both explicitly and implicitly requested table spaces. For example, if you specify the GEN command for a database and specify Y in the CREATE TABLESPACE field, a CREATE statement is generated for each table space that resides in the database.
    Start of changeCREATE parent DATABASEEnd of change
    Start of changeSpecifies whether CREATE statements are to be generated for the database that contains the table or table space.

    This field is applicable to only tables and table spaces. In the case of a table, if Y is specified, CREATE parent TABLESPACE is implicitly set to Y, regardless of the value specified for that field. This behavior ensures the generated DDL does not fail due to a missing CREATE TABLESPACE statement.

    End of change
    Start of changeCREATE parent TABLESPACEEnd of change
    Start of changeSpecifies whether CREATE statements are to be generated for the table space that contains the table. This field is applicable to only tables.End of change
    Specifies whether CREATE statements are to be generated for all of the tables that are identified during processing, which includes both explicitly and implicitly requested tables.
    Specifies whether CREATE statements are to be generated for all of the views that are identified during processing, which includes both explicitly and implicitly requested views.

    Specify D to extract views without requiring Db2 Admin Tool to check whether all other objects that used in the view are also being generated. This option significantly reduces the resource consumption when running on large Db2 catalogs.

    Specifies whether CREATE statements are to be generated for all of the indexes that are identified during processing, which includes both explicitly and implicitly requested indexes.
    Specifies whether CREATE statements are to be generated for all of the synonyms that are identified during processing, which includes both explicitly and implicitly requested synonyms.
    Specifies whether CREATE statements are to be generated for all of the aliases that are identified during processing, which includes both explicitly and implicitly requested aliases.
    Specifies whether CREATE statements are to be generated for all of the triggers that are identified during processing, which includes both explicitly and implicitly requested triggers.
    Specifies whether CREATE statements are to be generated for all of the masks that are identified during processing, which includes both explicit and implicit masks.
    Specifies whether CREATE statements are to be generated for all of the permissions that are identified during processing, which includes both explicit and implicit permissions.
    Specifies whether CREATE statements are to be generated for all of the storage groups that are identified during processing, which includes both explicit and implicit storage groups.
    Specifies whether a GRANT access ON DATABASE statement is to be generated.
    The following values are valid for this field and the other GRANT fields:
    Generate GRANT statements for authorizations and roles.
    Do not generate any GRANT statements.
    Generate GRANT statements for authorizations.
    Generate GRANT statements for roles.
    Specifies whether a GRANT access ON TABLESPACE statement is to be generated. Valid values are listed in GRANT access ON DATABASE.
    GRANT access ON TABLE
    Specifies whether a GRANT access ON TABLE statement is to be generated. Valid values are listed in GRANT access ON DATABASE.
    GRANT access ON VIEW
    Specifies whether a GRANT access ON VIEW statement is to be generated. Valid values are listed in GRANT access ON DATABASE.
    Specifies whether an ALTER TABLE ADD FOREIGN KEY statement is to be generated. Specify D to extract foreign keys for tables that are dependent on the tables that are extracted.
    Specifies whether a LABEL ON statement is to be generated.
    Specifies whether a COMMENT ON statement is to be generated.
    Specifies whether REBIND commands for plans and packages are to be generated. These REBIND commands are written to the data set that is specified in the DB2 Command output file: Data set name field.
    Activates an enabled masked column. A column mask can be created as enabled or disabled for column access control. An enabled column mask does not take effect until the ALTER TABLE statement with the ACTIVATE COLUMN ACCESS CONTROL clause is used to activate column access control for the table.
    Specifies whether a GRANT USE OF STOGROUP statement is to be generated. Valid values are listed in GRANT access ON DATABASE.
  • The second set of fields specify the new names or values to be used in the generated SQL:
    Object schema
    Specifies a schema to use for any new objects.
    Run SQLID
    Specifies the SQL ID to use when creating objects. The SQL ID that is specified must have the privileges that are necessary to create objects, such as an administrative type of SQL ID that has been defined. If you specify a value of <NONE>, no SET CURRENT SQLID statements are generated in the DDL. If you leave the field blank, a SET CURRENT SQLID statement is generated in the DDL before each object that is created; where possible, the SQL ID that was originally used to create the object is used.
    If you specify an SQL ID of <NONE> and use synonyms, the following behaviors apply:
    • If the creator of the synonym is the same as the creator of the table on which the synonym is defined, an executable CREATE SYNONYM statement is generated.
    • If the creator of the synonym is not the same as the creator of the table on which the synonym is defined, the SQL ID that created the synonym is extracted from the catalog and both the SET SQLID and CREATE SYNONYM statements are created. However, these statements are commented out, and an informational message is issued. Because these statements are included in comments, other generated statements might fail. For example, a view that is defined using the synonym might fail.
    The other Db2 Admin Tool functions where you can specify a RUN SQLID value include the Rename Database, ALT, Migrate, and Change Management functions.
    Object grantor
    Specifies the grantor of the object.
    Alloc TS size as
    Specifies how to generate the primary quantity. The following values are valid:
    Uses the size that is defined in the catalog.
    Uses the size that is actually used.
    Uses the allocated size.
    If you specify USED or ALLOC, ensure that you have recently run the RUNSTATS utility on the selected objects and the STOSPACE utility on the storage groups for the objects that are generated. Running these utilities is necessary, because Db2 Admin Tool depends on information in the Db2 catalog to generate actual allocated space or actual used space. The actual data set sizes for table spaces and index spaces are not retrieved.
    Database name
    Specifies a new database name for the objects (except when initiated by using a primary command from a list of databases).
    Storage group for TS
    Specifies a new storage group for the table spaces.
    Storage group for IX
    Specifies a new storage group for the indexes.
    Target DB2 version
    Specifies the Db2 level for the generated SQL statements, if different from the current Db2 level.

    The Db2 level format is vvrm, where vv=version, r=release, and m=modification level. The current Db2 level is the default.

    Sometimes SQL syntax support is removed from Db2. Specifying the correct target Db2 version ensures that the generated SQL is valid for the target Db2 subsystem. For example, for CREATE INDEX, Db2 11 supports EXCLUDE NULL KEYS, but Db2 10 does not.

    The following values are examples of valid level values:
    Db2 10 compatibility mode (CM8)
    Db2 10 compatibility mode (CM9)
    Db2 10 enabling-new-function mode (ENFM)
    Db2 10 new-function mode (NFM)
    Db2 11 conversion mode (CM)
    Db2 11 enabling-new-function mode (ENFM)
    Db2 11 new-function mode (NFM)

    Example: Suppose that your current Db2 level is Db2 11 new-function mode, but you want to generate SQL that runs on a Db2 10 new-function mode system. Set 1015 as the target Db2 version.

    The IN DD run parameter DB2REL uses the same format and values as the Target DB2 version option. When Db2 Admin Tool generates a GEN batch job, it gets the Db2 release level from an SQL CONNECT statement and uses that release level value in the generated job. Use this generated job as the base for defining customized GEN jobs.

    Start of changeTarget Function LevelEnd of change
    Start of changeSpecifies the target function level. DDL is generated based on the syntax requirements for the specified target function level. Valid values are any integer value in the range 501 - 999 or 100. You can specify any function level equal to or less than the current Db2 version function level.End of change
    Include DB2 pending chgs
    Specifies how to include Db2 pending changes. Valid values are:
    Include the Db2 pending changes in the generated CREATE statements for table spaces and indexes. Yes is the default.
    Generate SQL comments that contain ALTER statements for the Db2 pending changes. The Db2 pending changes are not included in the generated CREATE statements for table spaces and indexes.
    Generate ALTER statements for the Db2 pending changes.
    Generate only ALTER statements for the Db2 pending changes. No other SQL statements, such as CREATE statements, are generated.
    PBG NUMPARTS value
    Specifies the value for the NUMPARTS clause when re-creating a partition-by-growith (PBG) table space. Valid values are:
    Use the NUMPARTS value that was specified when the table space was created.
    Use the existing NUMPARTS value. This existing value includes any added partitions. This value can be different from the value that was defined when the table space was created. Existing is the default.
    PBG LOB objects
    Specifies whether the auxiliary objects for LOB columns in a partition-by-growth (PBG) table space are to be re-created implicitly or explicitly. Valid values are:
    The auxiliary objects are to be re-created explicitly if all of the required auxiliary objects exist and were created explicitly. Computed is the default.
    The auxiliary objects are to be re-created implicitly by Db2.
    Generate index cleanup
    Specifies index cleanup options. Valid values are:
    Generate DML statements for the Db2 SYSINDEXCLEANUP catalog table.
    Do not generate DML statements for the Db2 SYSINDEXCLEANUP catalog table. No is the default value.
    Generate DML statements only for the Db2 SYSINDEXCLEANUP catalog table. No other DDL statements, such as CREATE statements, or DML statements, such as statements for catalog statistics, are to be generated.
    Use Masking
    Specifies whether to enable masking. For instructions on how to specify masks, see Specifying masks.
    Use Exclude Spec
    Specifies whether to use an existing exclude specification. An exclude specification enables you to select objects to exclude from the generated DDL.
    Target cat qualifier
    Specifies the qualifier to use in the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements for updating catalog statistics and for index cleanup settings.
    Generate catalog stats
    Specifies whether to generate catalog statistics, which means that INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements that modify the catalog statistics are included in the DDL file. Valid value are:
    Generate DDL and catalog statistics.
    Generate DDL only. Do not generate catalog statistics.
    Generate catalog statistics only. Do not generate DDL.

    The statistic fields that are modified are those fields that are associated with the objects that are generated. (The complete list of statistics fields are those fields that are set by RUNSTATS and that can be modified and the statistics columns for table functions in SYSROUTINES, which are not set by RUNSTATS.)

    Statistics tables
    Specifies which statistics to generate. Valid values are:
    Generate all statistics. All is the default.
    Generate selected statistics. If you specify Select, the Catalog Statistics Tables (ADBPGEN2) panel opens. On this panel, you can select the catalog tables for which you want to generate DML statements.
  • The third set of fields specify the output file and execution mode options:
    Add to work stmt list
    Specifies whether to save the output to a work statement list (WSL) data set.
    Data set name
    Specifies the name of the data set in which to place the generated SQL. The value must be a valid SPUFI input data set name or SYSOUT=x. The default is SYSOUT=*. If you leave this field blank, the command output is created as comments in the output file.
    Data set disposition
    Specifies the disposition of the output data set.
    Execution mode
    Specifies the execution mode for generating the SQL. Valid values are:
    Runs the SQL generation as a batch job. Db2 Admin Tool generates the batch job and displays the job in an ISPF edit session, where you can make any changes before submitting the job for execution.
    Runs the SQL generation online. Db2 Admin Tool generates the SQL statements online and displays the results.
    Commit statements per
    Specifies how often an SQL COMMIT statement is added to the generated SQL. Valid values are:
    COMMIT statements are run for each database.
    COMMIT statements are run for each table space.
    COMMIT statements are run for each table.
    COMMIT statements are run for all objects. A is the default.
    COMMIT statements are never run.

    Start of changeThe exception is if the generated SQL includes 500 or more statements that update catalog statistics. In this case, even if you specify N, COMMIT statements are added to avoid catalog locking problems. A COMMIT statement is added at least every 500 statements that modify statistics.End of change

    DB2 defaults handling
    Specifies whether Db2 default parameters are kept in the generated SQL. Valid values are:
    Keeps the default parameters. K is the default.
    Removes the default parameters.
    Prompt to run SQL
    Specifies whether, after the SQL edit session, Db2 Admin Tool is to display a prompt that allows you to choose whether to run the SQL immediately. This option applies only when you are using TSO mode without WSL. Valid values are:
    Display this prompt.

    The maximum number of SQL statements that are allowed is 8120. The maximum length of an SQL statement is 2,097,152 bytes (2 MB).

    Do not display this prompt. N is the default.
  • The last set of fields specify the following options for the command output file:
    Data set name
    Specifies the name of the data set in which to place the generated REBIND commands if REBIND PLAN/PACKAGE is set to Y or D.
    Data set disposition
    Specifies the disposition of the output data set.