ADB908E Invalid buffer pool size. The buffer pool must be &bpm. and the size
cannot be altered. To alter the buffer pool size to something other than &bpm, enter END to exit
and return to the Table Spaces
(ADB21S) panel. Then, use the
line command ALT to redefine the table space. Do not use the AL command to change the buffer pool
size to a different buffer pool size.
The buffer pool size must be appropriate for the table
space. If the buffer pool size of the table space is 4KB, the value
of &bpm. is BP0-BP49, 8KB is BP8K0-BP8K9, 16KB
is BP16K0-BP16K9, and 32KB is BP32K, BP32K1-BP32K9.
System action
Processing stops.
User response
Use the line command ALT to redefine the table space.
Do not use the AL line command.