Performance queries

This information shows you how to run performance queries by using Db2 Admin Tool and describes the different types of performance queries that Db2 Admin Tool supports.

The DB2 Performance Queries panel (ADB23) is displayed when you select option 3 on the Administration Menu panel. Use this panel to select the Db2 performance and space utilization query you want to run. Select an option, and enter (part of) the name of the database for which the query should be run. See the descriptions that appear on each panel in this chapter for more information about each option shown in the following figure.

The select field on the performance queries panels lets you select an object, which is then shown on the corresponding system catalog panel. This lets you further investigate problems or choose to run utilities such as REORG and RUNSTATS.

Figure 1. DB2® Performance Queries panel (ADB23)
ADB23 min ------------------- DB2 Performance Queries ------------------- 06:22
Option ===> ___________________________________________________________________
WHERE database LIKE  . . . ________                        DB2 System: DD1A    
AND obj has more than  . . 4       pages                   DB2 SQL ID: ADM001 
    1  - Table spaces without RUNSTATS within 0    days        
    1X - Indexes without RUNSTATS within 0    days             
 RUNSTATS information is required for options 2 through 9.                      
    2  - Table spaces with more than 10 percent relocated rows                  
    3  - Indexes with clustering level problems                                 
    4  - Table spaces with more than 5 percent dropped space                    
    5  - Table spaces with locking size = 'S' (table space locking)             
    6  - Index with 2  or more levels                                           
    7  - Indexes with 150  or more leaf page distance                           
    8  - Indexes on tables with fewer than 6 pages                              
    9  - Indexes not used by any plan or package                                
   10  - Table spaces containing more than one table                            
   11  - Table spaces without SPACE information                                 
   11X - Indexes without SPACE information                                      
 SPACE information is required for options 12 through 13.                       
   12  - Table spaces exceeding allocated primary quantity                      
   12X - Indexes exceeding allocated primary quantity                           
   13  - Allocated and used space for table spaces                              
 RTS  Real-Time Statistics tables are required for options 14 and 14X.				
   14  - Table Space maintenance recommendations												
   14X - Index Space maintenance recommendations												
   15  - Indexes not used within 40  days                                       
                                         Switch Catalog Copy  . . . N (N/S/C)