Displaying detailed package information

Db2 Admin Tool can report detailed information for one or more packages, including SQL and EXPLAIN information.

About this task

For each package, this report includes the following two sections:
  • Package details, such as the package type and version.
  • SQL information and EXPLAIN information, if available. (EXPLAIN information is displayed for only those SQL statements that have EXPLAIN data in the package owner's plan table. EXPLAIN information is also included for queries that are eligible to be offloaded to an accelerator.)


To display detailed package information:

  1. On the DB2 Administration Menu (ADB2) panel, specify option 1, and press Enter.
  2. On the System Catalog (ADB21) panel, specify option K (for packages), and press Enter.
  3. On the Packages (ADB21K) panel, specify the DET line command next to the package for which you want to see the details.
    The package information is displayed on the Details for object(s) (ADBPD) panel.

    SQL statements are displayed in lines that are 72 bytes long. If a statement contains host variables, the variable name and data type are displayed on a separate line.

    In the following example of this package information, the SQL information is collapsed.

    Figure 1. Details for object(s) (ADBPD) panel
    ADBPD                  DD1A Details for object(s)                          
    Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE
    Commands: SAVE  ZOOM                                                           
    _ Details for package : SPADJB009012345678901(*1) in collection : SCADJB009(*2)
    _  Package information                                                         
        Package type . . . . . . . . . . : Native SQL routine package              
        Version  . . . . . . . . . . . . : MYVERSION                               
        Authorization ID of owner  . . . : J148286                                 
        Owner type . . . . . . . . . . . : Auth ID                                 
        Authorization ID of creator  . . : VNDR001                                 
        Created timestamp  . . . . . . . : 2012-08-23-              
        Latest BIND timestamp  . . . . . : 2012-11-06-              
        Version under which package bound: V11                                 
        Qualifier for unqualified SQL  . : J148286                                 
        Operative status of package  . . : Package is valid and operative          
        Resource and authorization check : At BIND time                            
        Size of the base section (bytes) : 4272    (in EDM pool during execution)  
        Average DML section size (bytes) : 5220    (loaded when needed during exec)
        Package bound with EXPLAIN . . . : Yes                                     
        SQLERROR specified at BIND time  : No - SQLERROR(NOPACKAGE) specified      
        BIND or REBIND from remote loc.  : No - (RE)BIND was from a local system   
        Remote packages creation method  :                                         
        Source of the package  . . . . . :                                         
        Number of enabled/disabled conn. : 0                                       
        Data concurrency . . . . . . . . : B - not required                        
          Effect on blocking . . . . . . : Allow blocking for ambiguous cursors    
        DEGREE of I/O parallelism  . . . : 1 - parallel I/O inhibited              
        Group member that performed BIND :                                         
        Dynamic SQL rules  . . . . . . . : Use definers authid and authorizations  
        Re-optimize SQL at execution time: 1 - use exec. time variable values once 
        Defer prepare  . . . . . . . . . : Yes - prepare is defered to OPEN time   
        Keep prepared dynamic SQL stmts  : No - are destroyed at COMMIT            
        Protocol for 3 part names  . . . : D - uses DRDA                           
        Function resolved at . . . . . . : 2012-11-06-              
        Optimizer hint identifier  . . . : THIS IS THE OPTHINT FOR JB              
        Encode CCSID . . . . . . . . . . : 37                                      
        Write group buffer pool pages  . : Immediate write                         
        ROUNDING option used on last bind: Round Down                              
        Concurrent Access  . . . . . . . : W - Wait for release of write lock 
        Last date objects used . . . . . : 01/01/0001     
        SQL path for resolving UDT,UDF,SP: "J148286","SYSADM","USRT001"           
        Precompiler related information:                                           
          Timestamp of precompilation  . : 0001-01-01-              
          Consistency token in hex . . . : 1941FCD60BBACC4D                        
          SQL escape character . . . . . : ' (apostrophe)                          
          Decimal point character  . . . : . (period)                              
          Host program language  . . . . : Remotely bound, trigger, or SQL package 
          Mixed character set  . . . . . : N                                       
          Decimal 31 used  . . . . . . . : Yes                                     
          Katakana . . . . . . . . . . . : No                                      
        Resource allocation information:                                           
          Resources are released . . . . : At plan deallocation time               
          Isolation level  . . . . . . . : Read stability  
        Temporal special register information:
          Sensitive to SYSTEM_TIME . . . : Yes
          Sensitive to BUSINESS_TIME . . : Yes
        Sensitive to GET_ARCHIVE . . . . : Yes
        Bind options: 
          Access path reuse behavior . . : No - does not reuse paths
          Package compat level behavior  : V12R1M502 
          Static SQL DESCRIBE requests . : Yes - creates DESCRIBE SQLDA
    _  SQL statements in package: SCADJB00901234567890.SPADJB009012345678901234(*3)
    _   SQL in statement: 39                                                       
    _   Explain information for SQL statement: 39                                  
    _   SQL in statement: 39                                                       
    _   SQL in statement: 40                                                       
    _   SQL in statement: 42                                               
    _   Explain information for SQL statement: 42                                  
         The operation is INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE.                                
         Inner join or no join.                                                    
         Table Schema . . . : SCADJB00      Table Name . . . . : TBADJB00          
         Query number . . . : 42            Access type  . . . :                   
         Plan number  . . . : 0             Query block no . . : 1                 
         Match columns  . . : 0                                                    
    _   SQL in statement: 39                                                       
    _ Long names legend                                                            
      (*1) - SPADJB00901234567890123456E                                           
      (*2) - SCADJB00901234567890                                                  
      (*3) - SCADJB00901234567890.SPADJB00901234567890123456E.MYVERSION
    Tip: To collapse or expand one or more sections, use the ZOOM command. For detailed instructions, see the online help (PF1).

    The following example shows the displayed package information for a package that contains a query that is marked to be offloaded to an accelerator. Accelerated queries have an access type of A (accesstype = 'A').

    Figure 2. Details for object(s) (ADBPD) panel
    ADBPD min ----------------- DD1A Details for object(s) ---------------- 15:55  
    Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE 
    Commands: SAVE  ZOOM                                                           
    _ Details for package : ADM1PK01                  in collection : RRLCOL       
    _  Package information                                                         
    _  SQL statements in package: RRLCOL.ADM1PK01                                  
    _ SQL in statement: 1686            
          SELECT * INTO 
            :policyid                                           Var Char(10) , 
            :coverage                                           Integer , 
            :start                                              Var Char(49) , 
            :COUNT                                              Integer ,
            :timeid                                             Var Char(49) 
          FROM SCADM101.TBADM101                                                
    _   Explain information for SQL statement: 1686                                
         Query is marked to be offloaded to an accelerator.
         Query qualifies for routing to an accelerator. 
         Table schema . . . : SCADM101      Table name . . . . : TBADM101
         Query blk no . . . : 1             Access type  . . . : A                 
         Accelerator name . : ZGRYPHON      Location name  . . : DB2EC1            
         Reason code  . . . : 0                                                    
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