Running a multi-target change

You can run all multi-target changes that are registered on a central system by using the Change Management (CM) batch interface. Running changes in batch is a more efficient alternative to analyzing changes one at a time through the CM panels.

About this task

Use the following procedure to manually define a batch job for running a multi-target change. As an alternative to this manual procedure, you can use panels to create a CM batch run job; for instructions, see Running a multi-target change in batch by using panels.


To run a multi-target change:

  1. In the CM batch file, specify ACTION_RUN_CHANGE = 'Y', as shown in the following example:
    //ANLYZ EXEC GOCCM,SSID=DSNA,PLAN=ADB                           
    //GOCCM.PARMS  DD *                                     

    You can specify additional CM batch parameters as needed.

    Tip: Start of changeIf the multi-target change exists on another subsystem, use the MTC_CENTRAL_LOCATION parameter to specify the location of the change and use the CHANGE_NAME parameter to specify the name of the change at the central location. If you do not specify a central location, you must create a run job with a unique change name for each target at each remote location.End of change
    Restriction: Currently, the DO_RUNTIME_ANALYZE parameter is not supported when running a multi-target change
  2. Run the batch job.
    After the batch job runs successfully, a multi-target run report is generated, as shown in the following example:
    ADBCCM - Multi-target Change Summary Report (Run Process)                       
    Multi-target change id: 7913                                                    
    Successful entries:                                                             
    Location: DSNA                                                                  
    Target     ID     Owner    Name                         Status   Remarks        
    ---------- ------ -------- ---------------------------- -------- ---------------
    TARGET A1  7914   SYSADM   CHANGE1 FOR TARGET A1        COMPLETE Run Successful 
    TARGET A2  7915   SYSADM   CHANGE2 FOR TARGET A2        COMPLETE Run Successful 
    Skipped or Failed or Running entries:                                           
    Target     Loc    ID     Owner    Name                  Status   Remarks        
    ---------- ------ ------ -------- --------------------- -------- ---------------
    TARGET B   DSNB   N/A    SYSADM   CHANGE3 FOR TARGET B  ANALYZED Skipped. Target is not 
                                                                     on local subsystem.   
    ADBCCM - End of Multi-target Change Summary Report (Run Process)                

    In this example, TARGET B was skipped because it is not on the local subsystem, DSNA. You must use subsystem DSNB to run the change for TARGET B.

What to do next

After running your changes, you might want to verify that your run was successful by completing the following steps:

  1. On the Change Management (CM) (ADB2C) panel, specify option 1 (Manage changes), and press Enter.
  2. On the Manage Changes (ADB2C1) panel, specify option 1 (Display changes), and press Enter.
  3. On theChanges (ADB2C11) panel, issue the AT line command next to the multi-target change, and press Enter.

    The CM - Associate Targets (ADBPCMT) panel displays the status of all your target changes, as shown in the following example:

    Figure 1. CM - Associate Targets (ADBPCMT) panel
    ADBPCMT n --------------- CM - Associate Targets ------------- Row 1 to 3 of 3 
    Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR  
    Details for multi-target change: SYSADM.CENTRAL MTC   > DB2 System: DSNA      
                                                             DB2 SQL ID: SYSADM   
    Commands: NEXT                                                             
    Line commands:                                                             
     U - Update  D - Delete  AT - Add targets  AG - Add targets from group     
     I - Interpret  ? - Show all line commands                                                                                                 
        Target                 Change    Change                                    
    Sel Name     DB2 Location  Owner     Name                   Status             
        *        *             *         *                      *                  
    --- -------> ------------> --------- ---------------------- -------------------
        TARGET A DSNA          SYSADM    CHANGE1 FOR TARGET A1  COMPLETE           
        TARGET A DSNA          SYSADM    CHANGE2 FOR TARGET A2  COMPLETE           
        TARGET B DSNB          SYSADM    CHANGE3 FOR TARGET B   DEFINED            
    ******************************* END OF DB2 DATA *******************************