Db2 Admin Tool condition codes

Db2 Admin Tool Reverse Engineering jobs and Bind Manager jobs return condition codes to indicate whether the job was successful.

Db2 Admin Tool Reverse Engineering condition codes

A Db2 Admin Tool Reverse Engineering job returns one of the following condition codes:

The job completed successfully.
The job returned a warning condition.

For example, the following situations result in warning conditions:

  • A parameter error occurred. In this case, either the parameter is ignored or the default is used. No generate requests are issued.
  • The requested object is not found.
An error occurred, and processing ends. Other errors might be issued.

For example, the following situations result in an error with condition code 8:

  • No parameters are found.
  • The Db2 version is not yet supported.
An internal error or limitation occurred, and other severe errors are detected. Processing ends.

For example, the following situations result in an error with condition code 12:

  • The Db2 version is not supported.
  • The remote location is not defined or is not a Db2 for z/OS® system.
A severe error occurred.
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Db2 Bind Avoidance condition codes

A Db2 Admin Tool Bind Avoidance job returns one of the following condition codes:

The job completed successfully. The new source has passed SQL validation checks, and a Db2 bind is not required.
Either the SQL validation failed, or an error occurred. A Db2 bind is required. Check the associated diagnostic messages for details.

A possible precompiler error occurred. Check the associated messages for a description of the specific error.


An error occurred. Check the associated messages for a description of the specific error.

A severe error occurred. Bind Manager cannot make a determination about whether a bind is required. Check the associated messages for a description of the specific error.
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