A version is a snapshot of the definitions of a set of objects at a point in time.
The object definitions typically represent an application or application area.
Versions enable you to track the changes to a set of objects, restore objects to a previous version if you need to fall back, and promote changes from one system to another.
- When using Change Management, you can define a version scope (the objects to be included in a version) and then use the GV line command on the Version Scopes (ADB2C42) to generate a version based on that scope.
- When you run a change using Change Management, you can specify to have a version of the objects generated after the changes have been applied.
- When you use IBM®
Db2 Object
Comparison Tool for z/OS®, you can have versions
of the source and target objects generated. When Change Management is enabled, you have the option
of storing versions in data sets or in the Change Management database. Tip: Consider storing all of your versions in the Change Management database, which makes them easier to track, access, and recover.
When you promote a set of changes from one system to another, you need two versions. The starting version represents the state of objects before any changes are made and the ending version represents the state of objects after the promoted changes are made. During the promote process, Db2 Admin Tool compares the ending version with the starting version and generates a delta changes data set the contains the SQL statements that are required to bring the other system up to the same level as the system from which your promoting the changes. You can then import the delta changes data set into a new change on the system to which you are promoting the changes, analyze the change, and run them.
When you implement them carefully, you can also use versions as the base version for subsequent changes to a set of objects. When you analyze a change, Db2 Admin Tool needs a base set of definitions for the change for the analyze process. Db2 Admin Tool either extracts the object definitions from the catalog to use as the base version, which can be time consuming, or uses an existing version as the base version. You can specify that Db2 Admin Tool uses an existing version when there are no prerequisite changes for the objects.
Versions that have been generated in explicitly named data sets when you use IBM Db2 Object Comparison Tool for z/OS are not displayed because they are not stored in the Change Management database. When you use IBM Db2 Object Comparison Tool for z/OS and Change Management is enabled, you have the option of storing versions in data sets or in the Change Management database.