Setting up the targets

You can set up all the targets that you want to deploy changes to through the Change Management panel.

About this task


  1. Specify option 9, Manage targets on the Change Management panel.
    The CM - Manage Targets panel is displayed, as shown in the following figure:
    Figure 1. CM - manage Targets (ADBPC9)
     ADBPC9 in ------------------- CM - Manage Targets  ---------------------- 16:06
     Option ===>                                                                    
        1 - Display targets                                   DB2 System: DD1A      
        2 - Display target groups                             DB2 SQL ID: ADM001    
        3 - Insert a target                                                         
     Enter display selection criteria.  Settings: LIKE operator;  Criteria not saved
     Target name  . . . .                     >       Group name . .           >    
     Location name  . . .                     >       Created by . .           >    
                                                      Altered by . .           >    

    On the Manage Targets panel, you can display targets or create a target. When you use option 1 or 2, you can qualify the search by using the additional search criteria fields at the bottom of the screen.

  2. Specify option 3, Insert a target on the Manage Targets panel.
    The Insert a Target panel is displayed, as shown in the following figure:
    Figure 2. CM - Insert a target panel (ADBPC911)
     ADBPC911  --------------- CM - Insert a Target -------------------------- 15:50
     Command ===>                                                                   
     Type new values and press Enter.                                               
     *Name  . . . . . . . . . . . . . TARGET A            > (? to lookup)                   
     *DB2 location  . . . . . . . . . DSNA                > (? to lookup)                   
     Comment  . . . . . . . . . . . .                    > 
     *Communication method  . . . . . DRDA                  (DRDA or File)                  
     Mask owner at target . . . . . . SYSADM              >                                           
     Mask name at target  . . . . . . MASK A              >                
     Default target change name . . . MTC                   (AUTO or MTC)                                                      

    The following fields are displayed on this panel:

    The name given for the target.
    DB2 location
    The location of the remote server.
    An optional field you use to enter a comment to describe the target.
    Communication method
    Specify the method used to register changes to this target:
    Use DRDA when registering changes to this target.
    Use the file method to register changes to this target. Note that a file is written with information for all targets regardless of which method is specified.
    Mask owner at target
    Specify the owner of the default mask that exists at the target location.
    Mask name at target
    Specify the name of the default mask that exists at the target location.
    Default target change name
    Specify the default format of the target change name. You can choose one of the following format options:
    <MTC change name>:<Target name>:<MTC location>
    Note: For the MTC format, the combination of MTC change name, target name, and MTC location that you specify must be unique.
  3. Set up the new target by specifying the details on the CM - Insert a Target panel and then press Enter.

    The target is inserted.

  4. To add another target, repeat 3 until all targets are configured.