Setting up the targets
You can set up all the targets that you want to deploy changes to through the Change Management panel.
About this task
- Specify option 9, Manage targets on the Change Management panel. The CM - Manage Targets panel is displayed, as shown in the following figure:
Figure 1. CM - manage Targets (ADBPC9) ADBPC9 in ------------------- CM - Manage Targets ---------------------- 16:06 Option ===> 1 - Display targets DB2 System: DD1A 2 - Display target groups DB2 SQL ID: ADM001 3 - Insert a target Enter display selection criteria. Settings: LIKE operator; Criteria not saved Target name . . . . > Group name . . > Location name . . . > Created by . . > Altered by . . >
On the Manage Targets panel, you can display targets or create a target. When you use option 1 or 2, you can qualify the search by using the additional search criteria fields at the bottom of the screen.
- Specify option 3, Insert a target on the Manage Targets panel. The Insert a Target panel is displayed, as shown in the following figure:
Figure 2. CM - Insert a target panel (ADBPC911) ADBPC911 --------------- CM - Insert a Target -------------------------- 15:50 Command ===> Type new values and press Enter. *Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . TARGET A > (? to lookup) *DB2 location . . . . . . . . . DSNA > (? to lookup) Comment . . . . . . . . . . . . > *Communication method . . . . . DRDA (DRDA or File) Mask owner at target . . . . . . SYSADM > Mask name at target . . . . . . MASK A > Default target change name . . . MTC (AUTO or MTC)
The following fields are displayed on this panel:
- Name
- The name given for the target.
- DB2 location
- The location of the remote server.
- Comment
- An optional field you use to enter a comment to describe the target.
- Communication method
- Specify the method used to register changes to this target:
- Use DRDA when registering changes to this target.
- Use the file method to register changes to this target. Note that a file is written with information for all targets regardless of which method is specified.
- Mask owner at target
- Specify the owner of the default mask that exists at the target location.
- Mask name at target
- Specify the name of the default mask that exists at the target location.
- Default target change name
- Specify the default format of the target change name. You can choose one of the following format options:
- AUTO:<timestamp>
- <MTC change name>:<Target name>:<MTC location>Note: For the MTC format, the combination of MTC change name, target name, and MTC location that you specify must be unique.
- Set up the new target by specifying the details on the CM - Insert a Target panel and then press Enter.
The target is inserted.
- To add another target, repeat 3 until all targets are configured.