Managing ignore changes

You can use Db2 Admin Tool to view, modify, or delete ignore change specifications. To modify the contents of an ignore change specification, you must use Object Comparison Tool.


To manage ignore changes:

  1. On the DB2 Administration Menu (ADB2) panel, specify option CM, and press Enter.
  2. On the Change Management (CM) (ADB2C) panel, specify option 8 (Manage ignore changes specifications), and press Enter.
  3. On the Manage Ignore Changes Specifications (ADBPC8) panel, specify any selection criteria, such as Owner and Name values, to identify the ignore changes specification or specifications.
    Figure 1. Manage Ignore Changes Specifications (ADBPC8) panel
     ADBPC8 in ----------  Manage Ignore Changes Specifications -------------------- 14:49 
    Option ===>                                                                     
       1 - Display ignore changes specifications            DB2 System: DD1A       
                                                            DB2 SQL ID: ADM001      
    Enter display selection criteria (Using a LIKE operator, criteria not saved):   
    Owner  . . . .   OWN1      >                     Created by . .          >    
    Name . . . . .                                >  Altered by . .          > 
    Created within                                   Exclude ID  . . .                 
    Altered within       
    Eligible for auto-delete: 
      Within . . . 
      Next . . . .   
  4. Specify option 1 (Display ignore changes specifications), and press Enter.
  5. On the Ignore Changes Specifications (ADBPC81) panel, use the listed line commands to update, delete, or view more detail for one of the listed specifications.
    Figure 2. Ignore Changes Specifications (ADBPC81) panel
     ADBPC81 n ------------ Ignore Changes Specifications ------------- Row 1 to 33 of 33  
    Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR   
    Line commands:                                                                  
     U - Update  DEL - Delete  ICL - Ignore Changes List         
     I - Details on ignore specification  ? - Show all line commands                                                         
                                                 Eligible for
    Sel Owner    Name                            auto-delete  Comment                
    --- -------- ------------------------------> -----------  ---------------------> 
        OWN1     ICSPEC01                        2012-12-31   
        OWN1     ICSPEC02