Displaying location details and threads

You can display statistics about threads with a distributed relationship, or display conversation information about Db2 system threads that interact with VTAM®.


  1. On the DB2 Administration Menu (ADB2) panel, specify Z, and press Enter.
    The System Administration (ADB2Z) panel is displayed.
  2. Specify option DL, and press Enter.
    The Display Active Locations (ADB2ZDL2) panel is displayed, as shown in the following figure.
    Figure 1. Display Active Locations (ADB2ZDL2) panel
     DB2 Admin ------------ DB2X Display Active Locations -------------- Row 1 of 1 
     Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE 
     Line commands:
      DIS - Display location details  DIST - Display threads  
     Select Location         PRDID    Linkname         Requesters Servers  Convs    
            *                *        *                *          *        *        
     ------ ---------------- -------- ---------------- ---------- -------- -------- 
            DENMARK_DB2P     DSN04010 DKLUDB2P             0         1            3 
            DENMARK_DB2X     DSN05010 DKLUDB2X             0         0            2 
            NORDIC_DB2P      DSN05010 NOLUDB2P             0         0            2 
            NORDIC_DB2R      DSN05010 NOLUDB2R             0         0            2 
            NORDIC_DB2T      DSN05010 NOLUDB2T             0         0            2 
            NORDIC_DB2X      DSN05010 NOLUDB2X             0         0            2 
     ******************************* END OF DB2 DATA *******************************

    The following columns are available on this panel:

    Input field where you enter one of the line commands listed on the panel.
    Location name.
    Database product.
    LU name.
    Number of requestors.
    Number of servers.
    Number of conversations.
  3. Issue one of the following line commands:
    Displays detailed information about a thread. When you press Enter, Db2 Admin Tool issues the Db2 DISPLAY THREAD DETAILS command.
    Displays the threads. When you press Enter, Db2 Admin Tool issues the Db2 DISPLAY THREAD command.
    The information Db2 Admin Tool returns to you from the commands is in ISPF browse format.