Granting privileges
To grant privileges on most database
objects, you must have ACCESSCTRL authority, SECADM authority, or
CONTROL privilege on that object; or, you must hold the privilege
WITH GRANT OPTION. Additionally, users with SYSADM or SYSCTRL authority
can grant table space privileges. You can grant privileges only on
existing objects.
Revoking privileges
The REVOKE statement allows authorized users to revoke
privileges previously granted to other users.
Managing implicit authorizations by creating and dropping objects
The database manager implicitly grants
certain privileges to a user that creates a database object such as
a table or a package. Privileges are also granted when objects are
created by users with DBADM authority. Similarly, privileges are removed
when an object is dropped.
Establishing ownership of a package
The BIND and PRECOMPILE commands
create or change an application package. On either one, use the OWNER option
to name the owner of the resulting package.
Implicit privileges through a package
Access to data within a database can be requested by application
programs, as well as by persons engaged in an interactive workstation
session. A package contains statements that allow users to perform
a variety of actions on many database objects. Each of these actions
requires one or more privileges.