Planning to upgrade Db2 clients
Planning the upgrade of your clients requires that you review all of the applicable upgrade prerequisites, pre-upgrade tasks, upgrade tasks and post-upgrade tasks.
To create an upgrade plan for your Db2 clients:
Write the upgrade plan for Db2 clients, using all
the details that apply to your environment:
Table 1. Upgrade plan details for Db2 clients. Upgrade plan Details Prerequisites Ensure that you: - Meet the Installation requirements for Db2 database products..
- Resolve any support issues in Upgrade essentials for clients including client and server connectivity.
- Meet all prerequisites for the upgrade task and subtasks, especially obtaining root or Local Administrator access and required Db2 authorization.
Pre-upgrade tasks Include the following tasks: - Upgrade Db2 servers
- Backing up client configuration information
- Use the db2ls command to confirm the version of Db2 currently running on your client. For more information, see ../../
Upgrade task You must include these steps: - Install Db2 version 12.1 client
- Upgrade client instance
Post-upgrade tasks Include the following tasks: - Review Db2 server behavior changes
- Verifying your client upgrade was successful
- Combine with the upgrade plan for other components such as Db2 servers, database applications, and routines to create an overall upgrade plan for your Db2 environment.