Installing a Db2 database product using a response file (Linux and UNIX)

Response files contain values that are used to answer questions during the installation process that you would normally answer. For installations other than Db2 pureScale® Feature, use this installation method to install multiple copies of your Db2 product on multiple computers, or to have the same installation decisions in all Db2 copies.

Before you begin

Before you begin the installation:
  • Ensure your system meets all of the memory, hardware, and software requirements to install your Db2 database product.
  • Complete the pre-installation tasks.
  • Create a response file.
  • All Db2 processes associated with the copy of Db2 you are working with are stopped.
  • Ensure the response file keyword LIC_AGREEMENT is set to ACCEPT.


To install the Db2 product using a response file:

  1. For a root installation, log in as a root user. For a non-root instalation, log on as the user that you designated as the owner of the Db2 installation.
  2. Enter the db2setup command as follows:
    ./db2setup -r responsefile_directory/response_file
    • responsefile_directory represents the directory where the response file is located; and
    • response_file represents the name of the response file.
  3. Check the messages in the log file when the installation finishes.
    The installation logs are located, by default, in the /tmp directory:
    • db2setup.log (db2setup_username.log for non-root installations, where username is the non-root user ID under which the installation was performed)
    • db2setup.err (db2setup_username.err for non-root installations, where username is the non-root user ID under which the installation was performed)
    You can specify the location of the log file. An installation history log db2install.history is located in DB2DIR/install/logs where DB2DIR specifies the path where the Db2 database product was installed. The default installation directory is:
    • For AIX® /opt/IBM/db2/V12.1
    • For Linux®/opt/ibm/db2/V12.1

    If more than one Db2 database product is installed in the same location, you will see db2install.history.xxxx, where xxxx are digits, starting at 0001 and increasing depending on how many Db2 copies you have installed.


The following example installs the Db2 product using response file db2aese.rsp:
db2setup -r /mydir/db2aese.rsp -l /tmp/db2setup.log -t /tmp/db2setup.trc 
where mydir represent the directory where you saved the db2aese.rsp file.

What to do next

Review and perform any necessary postinstallation tasks.