Adopting new Db2 12.1 functionality in database applications and routines
After upgrading to version 12.1, enhance the functionality and improve the performance of your database applications by adopting new version 12.1 functionality.
Before you begin
You must upgrade your Db2® server to version 12.1.
For applications that access upgraded databases, perform any of the following steps to adopt the specified version 12.1 functionality:
- Enable the batch CALL statement support in CLI applications to optimize network flow by specifying an array size with the SQL_ATTR_PARAMSET_SIZE statement attribute and provide argument data in form of an array. For more details, see Calling stored procedures from CLI applications.
- Use NOT ENFORCED primary key and unique constraints to avoid performance costs during insert, update, and delete operations on a table and space requirements that are associated with enforcing a unique constraint when it is known that the data already conforms to the unique constraint. It also provides the same potential performance benefits for queries. Fore more details, see Informational constraints.