Performance reports for Db2 traces
You can create a performance report for a Db2 trace by using the db2trc command with the perfrep parameter.
You can issue the db2trc command with the perfrep parameter for dump files that you created by issuing the db2trc command with the -t option. The new feature eliminates the excessive processor usage that was previously caused by executing a performance trace in addition to the regular trace for diagnostic purposes.
The perfrep report displays the time that was spent in each caller function, in addition to the elapsed time that was spent to execute the trace. You can sort the output by the number of invocations, the time that was spent in each function, or the elapsed time that was spent, in ascending or descending order. By default, the output is sorted by the time that was spent in each function, in descending order. You can also group the output by using the combination of member (node) number, process ID (PID), and thread ID (TID).
db2trc perfrep trc.dmp perfrep.out
nCalls TotalElapsed AvgElapsed TotalSpent AvgSpent FunctionName
30 128.900145590 4.296671520 128.900122035 4.296670735 sqlorqueInternal
22 35.070790711 1.594126850 35.070442569 1.594111026 sqlo_waitlist::timeoutWait
5 33.333113807 6.666622761 33.333113807 6.666622761 OSSHIPCWaitpost::wait
6 20.412543399 3.402090567 20.412527985 3.402087997 sqlorest
1 18.300280961 18.300280961 18.300280961 18.300280961 sqloAlarmThreadEntry
3 18.248856592 6.082952197 18.248856592 6.082952197 sqloReadNamedPipe
1 14.907893602 14.907893602 14.907893602 14.907893602 OSSHIPCSemaphore::wait
1 14.888266323 14.888266323 14.888030081 14.888030081 sqloSSemP
7 8.131142984 1.161591855 8.130613854 1.161516265 sqlowchd
4 5.736910141 1.434227535 5.736471457 1.434117864 sqloWaitIPCWaitPost
1 21.967713234 21.967713234 3.600555023 3.600555023 sqleSysCtlr
115 1.111718480 0.009667117 1.105887133 0.009616410 sqlnlsgetcpcc
34 0.701106437 0.020620778 0.701106437 0.020620778 OSSHLibrary::load
1 0.157144687 0.157144687 0.143064433 0.143064433 cryptContextRealInit
4 0.098807890 0.024701972 0.093563598 0.023390899 sqloLoadModule
25 0.131057287 0.005242291 0.079349292 0.003173972 NetlsRequestLicense
3245 0.093867246 0.000028927 0.067123446 0.000020685 hregReadBlock
97 0.062272831 0.000641988 0.061129273 0.000630199 sqlnlscmsg
3 0.068937667 0.022979222 0.058964884 0.019654961 sqloexec
3 0.057550155 0.019183385 0.052918398 0.017639466 sqkfDynamicResourceMgr::InitResourceManager