Introduction to the health monitor

The health monitor is a server-side tool that adds a management-by-exception capability by constantly monitoring the health of an instance and active databases. The health monitor can also alert a database administrator (DBA) of potential system health issues.

The health monitor proactively detects issues that might lead to hardware failure, or to unacceptable system performance or capability. The proactive nature of the health monitor enables users to address an issue before it becomes a problem that affects system performance.

Important: The health monitor, health indicators, and related components have been discontinued with the exception of the HEALTH_MON database manager configuration parameter, the GET HEALTH SNAPSHOT command and the HADR health indicators (db.hadr_op_status and db.hadr_delay), which remain deprecated.

The health monitor periodically gathers information about the health of the system with a minimal impact to overall performance. It does not turn on any snapshot monitor switches to collect information.